描述夏天的英语句子,经典句子,1、太阳像个老大老大的火球,光线灼人,公路被烈日烤得发烫,脚踏下去一步一串白烟。The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road was roasted hot sun, go on foot a bunch of white
描述秋天的英文句子,经典句子,1、秋天的美是成熟的它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。Autumn is mature it is not so shy the spring and summer is so open, so to winter.2、秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东
英文名言名句,英语名言,1、生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.2、灵感不过是顽强的劳动而获得的奖赏。Inspiration is just tough labor for reward.3、书籍是伟大的天才留给人类
玫瑰花英文句子,经典句子,1、远远看上去,一株株玫瑰花显现出一片红色,红似火,艳如霞,美丽极了。Look far, a rose showing a red, red as fire, such as Yan Xia, very beautiful.2、时隔一夜,那几朵玫瑰花便竞相开放了。那花朴素大方,花瓣层层叠叠,微微下卷
浪漫的英语爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。Our love, hope there is no period.2、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.3、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。You are so pleasa
环境污染的英语句子,经典句子,1、许多河流,尤其是流经城市的河流,往往很脏。水面上漂浮着垃圾,连水里的鱼吃起来都有一股怪味。Many rivers, especially the river flows through the city, often dirty. A garbage floating on the water,
经典爱情英文语句,爱情的句子,1、爱情跟咳嗽一样是掩饰不了的。Love and a cough cannot be hid.2、你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。You said that love is only, for the lucky and the strong.3、爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。Love is
描写爱情的英语句子,爱情的句子,1、我的脑海中除了你那迷人的微笑甚至什么都没有。In my mind, there's nothing but your charming smile.2、别人爱怎么想那是他们的事,你就是你。What other people think of you is none of your bus
描述爱情的英文句子,爱情的句子,1、爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。Love is ever lasting. The aspect may change, but not the essence.2、我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识认定你不会离开我。胡闹也是一种依赖。I only love to lose your te
雨果名言英语,英语名言,1、让我们来献身。献身给善,献身给真,献身给正义。Let's dedication. Devoted to the good, dedicated to real, devoted to justice.2、我们的精神围绕着真理运转,好像群星围绕着太阳。We are around the s
雨果名言英文,英语名言,1、机会是不守纪律的。The chance is undisciplined.2、衰老是从眼睛开始的。Aging starts from the eye.3、有你在,就没有流亡。Have you in, have no in exile.4、人生是花,而爱是花蜜。Life is a flower,
国庆节的英语句子,经典句子,1、祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。国庆节快乐!Wish our great motherland more prosperity, bless you, I become more expansive pocket, bless our health beau
英语名人格言,英语格言,1、生与死只是脚下的奴仆。——泰戈尔The birth and death is at the foot of the slave.2、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布克Lazy people cannot enjoy rest.3、愿为比翼鸟,施翮起高
英语名句经典,英语名言,1、人间的面孔从未像在葬礼中看上去那么世俗。——乔·艾琪渥斯Human face has never looked so secular in the funeral.2、人生像曲曲折折的山涧流水,断了流,却又滚滚而来。——波普Life
英文名人格言,英语格言,1、忍耐和时间,往往比力量和愤怒更有效。——拉封丹Patience and time, tend to be more effective than strength and anger.2、旅行对我来说,是恢复青春活力的源泉。——安徒生Travel
关于节日的英语句子,经典句子,1、中秋节也是东亚民间的一个传统节日,受中华文化的影响,中秋节也是日本、韩国等国的传统节日。Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in East Asia. The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional fes
关于海洋的英文句子,经典句子,1、海,清凉的温情里有着幸福的悠荡,汹涌的波浪里也有爱的光华;梦,在深海的激流里开花,唱出的歌谣带着真情的童话。The sea, cool warmth with a happy swing, the surging waves of love also has a dream, bloom in
关于国庆节的英语句子,经典句子,1、迎国庆,我热血沸腾,心潮澎湃。我国一天天强大,我们这一代要树立远大理想,为振兴中华当好接班人,做有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的一代新人,让五星红旗一代又一代传承下去,为建设有中国特色社会主义而努力。Greet National Day, my blood, full of excitement
感谢老师的英文诗句,抒情诗句,1、We are more thankful than we can express. 对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。2、The man who can make hard things easy is the educator. 能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。3、You are like
qq个性签名英语励志,励志个性签名,1、花谢风雨过后,花开阳光依旧。Flowers die after rain, sunshine flowers.2、跨过人生低谷,飞跃前途险峰。Across the life trough, leap high mountains.3、最长的是磨难,最短的是人生。The longest is su