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  • [句子]关于心情的英语谚语

    关于心情的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、天天不发愁,活到百出头。Don't worry every day, live to the top of a hundred.2、笑是一切快乐之源。Laughter is the source of all happiness.3、变幻莫测的天气是心情。The changeable w

  • [句子]知识英文座右铭

    知识英文座右铭,座右铭,1、学问是心灵的慧眼。Learning is the eye of the mind.2、学识太广反而憨头憨脑。Too much knowledge, but too little brain.3、知识是心灵的活动。Knowledge is the activity of the mind.4、少量

  • [句子]关于父母的谚语英文

    关于父母的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、养儿方知娘辛苦,养女方知谢娘恩。The adoptive daughter knows how hard she is, and the adoptive daughter knows how to thank her.2、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。The grace of parents,

  • [句子]有关父母的英文谚语

    有关父母的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、天地宽大,父母恩大。Heaven and earth are generous, parents are generous.2、吃尽味道盐好,走遍天下娘好。It's good to eat all the salt and go all over the world.3、天意怜幽草,人间

  • [句子]关于父母的英语谚语

    关于父母的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、只要父亲在世,你总是年轻。As long as your father is alive, you are always young.2、养儿方知娘辛苦,养女方知谢娘恩。The adoptive daughter knows how hard she is, and the adoptive d

  • [句子]关于父母的英文谚语

    关于父母的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、父爱,如大海般深沉而宽广。Father's love is as deep and broad as the sea.2、一饭之恩,当永世不忘。The grace of a meal should never be forgotten.3、母亲的低语总是甜蜜的。Mother's

  • [句子]有关父母英文谚语

    有关父母英文谚语,谚语大全,1、母爱是一种巨大的火焰。Maternal love is a great flame.2、要知父母恩,怀里抱儿孙。Parents should know how kind they are and hold their children and grandchildren in their arm

  • [句子]有关父母之爱的英文谚语

    有关父母之爱的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、母亲的心是儿女的天堂。Mother's heart is the paradise of children.2、入田观察,从小看大。Watch from a small age.3、母亲的低语总是甜蜜的。Mother's whisper is always sweet.4、天意怜

  • [句子]珍惜拥有英语谚语

    珍惜拥有英语谚语,谚语大全,1、时光容易过,半点不由人。Time is easy to pass, but it's not easy for people.2、一日无二晨,时间不重临。There are no two mornings in a day.3、凡事若能按时做,一日能顶三天用。If everything

  • [句子]中英文排比句

    中英文排比句,排比句,1、梅花就释出了它春天的等待,夏天的努力,秋天的挣扎,冬天的骄傲。Plum blossom releases its spring waiting, summer efforts, autumn struggle, winter pride.2、偶像是无聊生活的调味品,偶像是一往无前的风向标,偶像是

  • [句子]时间相关的谚语英语

    时间相关的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、道路依然还照旧,时光更改不似先。The road is still the same, and the time is not as good as before.2、有钱难买少年时,失落光阴无处寻。When money is hard to buy a teenager, lost time

  • [句子]关于时间的英语谚语

    关于时间的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴惰寸功。Teenagers work hard all their lives, not to the time and lazy inches of merit.2、你和时间开玩笑,它却对你很认真。You joke with time, but it takes you

  • [句子]常说的英语小谚语

    常说的英语小谚语,谚语大全,1、不气不愁,活到白头。No worries, no worries, live to the white end.2、宁为蛇头,不为龙尾。Better a snake's head than a dragon's tail.3、人见利而不见害,鱼见食而不见钩。Everyone se

  • [句子]用英语说的谚语

    用英语说的谚语,谚语大全,1、饭后走一走,活到九十九!Take a walk after dinner and live to ninety-nine!2、常洗衣裳常洗澡,常晒被褥疾病少。Frequently wash clothes, often bathe, often sun bedding disease less.

  • [句子]与天气相关的谚语英文

    与天气相关的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、昼雾阴,夜雾晴。The day is foggy and the night is foggy and clear.2、雷打夏,无水来洗耙。Thunderstorm in summer, no water to wash rake.3、南风头,北风尾。Southern limelight, no

  • [句子]和天气有关的英语谚语

    和天气有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、星星眨眼,大雨不远。Stars blink, heavy rain is not far.2、久雨西风晴,久晴西风雨。Long rains and clear westerlies, long sunny westerlies and rain.3、一日东风,三日雨。One day East w

  • [句子]英语谚语团结就是力量

    英语谚语团结就是力量,谚语大全,1、滴水不成海,独木难成林。Drops of water do not make a sea, but trees do not make a forest.2、单人不成阵,独木不成林。A single man does not make a battle, a single tree does n

  • [句子]初中英语谚语团结

    初中英语谚语团结,谚语大全,1、一人一条计,三人一台戏。One person, one plan, three people, one play.2、一人不如两人好,大家捧柴火焰高。One person is not as good as two. Everyone holds the firewood in high fla

  • [句子]英语中关于团结的谚语

    英语中关于团结的谚语,谚语大全,1、风大就凉,人多就强。When the wind blows, it cools, and when there are more people, it is stronger.2、树直用处多,人直朋友多。Straight trees are more useful than straight f

  • [句子]关于团结的英文谚语

    关于团结的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、柴多火焰高,人多力量大。More wood, more fire, more people, more power.2、不上这山庙,不烧这柱香。Do not go up to this temple, do not burn this column of incense.3、各走各的路,各投各的
