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  • [句子]关于旅游的英文谚语

    关于旅游的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、峨嵋天下秀,三峡天下雄。Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.2、桂林山水甲天下,阴朔山水甲桂林。Guilin is the best place in the world, and

  • [句子]关于旅游的英语谚语

    关于旅游的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、内地苏杭,关外巴塘。Su Hang in the Mainland, Batang outside Guanwai.2、一站走三里,一歇走三村。Walk three miles at a stop and three villages at a rest.3、天无三日晴,地无三尺平。There

  • [句子]有关旅游英语谚语

    有关旅游英语谚语,谚语大全,1、人家半凿山腰住,车马都在屋顶过。People live half-chiseled on the hillside, and horses and cars pass on the roof.2、黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。The water of the Yellow River rise

  • [句子]关于旅游的英文谚语

    关于旅游的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、峨嵋天下秀,三峡天下雄。Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.2、桂林山水甲天下,阴朔山水甲桂林。Guilin is the best place in the world, and

  • [句子]旅游的英文谚语

    旅游的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、十里温塘河,九曲十八弯。Ten miles of Wentang River, nine curves and eighteen bends.2、十里勿问饭,二十里勿问店。Don't ask for food in ten li, don't ask for shop in tw

  • [句子]旅游的英语谚语

    旅游的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、山无水不灵,水无山不活。Mountains without water are ineffective, and waters without mountains are inactive.2、四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou ra

  • [句子]关于乐观的英语谚语

    关于乐观的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、病打心上起。身宽不如心宽。Illness is on the rise. Width of the body is not as good as breadth of the heart.2、快快活活活了命,气气恼恼恼成病。Happy to live, angry to get sick.3、高

  • [句子]乐观英语谚语

    乐观英语谚语,谚语大全,1、一个知足的人生活才能美满。A contented person can live a happy life.2、心胸宽阔的人,喝水也会胖。A broad-minded person will gain weight if he drinks water.3、心广体胖。Of wide girth

  • [句子]英语的拟人句

    英语的拟人句,拟人句,1、月亮总是那么皎洁明亮,所以人们便用各种各样的词汇赞美它,时间一长,月亮就骄傲起来。The moon is always so bright and bright, so people praise it with all kinds of words. As time goes on, the

  • [句子]有关助人为乐的英语谚语

    有关助人为乐的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、指甲和肉分不开。Nails and meat are inseparable.2、人和万事兴。Man and all things prosper.3、前人栽树,后人乘凉。Plant trees for the benefit of posterity.4、关爱别人,就是尊重他人。Caring

  • [句子]助人为乐英文谚语

    助人为乐英文谚语,谚语大全,1、花要叶扶,人要人帮。Flowers need leaves, and people need help.2、浇花要浇根,交友要交心。Watering flowers needs watering roots, making friends needs heart to heart.3、举手之劳,

  • [句子]助人为乐的英文谚语

    助人为乐的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、星多天空亮,人多智慧广。There are many stars in the sky and many people in the sky.2、幸福在于为别人而生活。Happiness lies in living for others.3、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西。Help others to

  • [句子]助人为乐的英语谚语

    助人为乐的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、好事须相让,恶事莫相推。Good things must be allowed to go hand in hand, but evil things must not go hand in hand.2、每有患急,先人后己。Every emergency comes first.3、星多天空亮

  • [句子]助人为乐英语谚语

    助人为乐英语谚语,谚语大全,1、千里送鹅毛,物轻礼重。Goose feathers are given from thousands of miles.2、真正的快乐来自于帮助别人。Real happiness comes from helping others.3、我好像是一只牛,吃的是草,挤出的是奶。I'm lik

  • [句子]乐于助人的英语谚语

    乐于助人的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、最伟大的力量,就是同心合力。The greatest strength is to work together.2、人家帮我,永志不忘;我帮人家,莫记心上。Never forget to help me; never forget to help others.3、幸福在于为别人而生活。Happ

  • [句子]关于乐于助人的英文谚语

    关于乐于助人的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、星多天空亮,人多智慧广。There are many stars in the sky and many people in the sky.2、千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。Giving goose feathers from thousands of miles is a light gift a

  • [句子]知足常乐的英语谚语

    知足常乐的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、知足常乐,能忍自安。Happy is contentment and safe is patience.2、知足者常足,不知足者无足矣。Satisfaction is often enough, but not enough for the unsatisfied.3、知足不辱,知止不殆,可以长

  • [句子]关于宽恕的英语谚语

    关于宽恕的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、君子量不极,胸吞百川流。Gentlemen are not enough, they swallow all rivers and streams.2、宽恕加一笑是最好的复仇。Forgiveness and laughter are the best revenge.3、百花齐放,百家争鸣。Le

  • [句子]宽容英文谚语

    宽容英文谚语,谚语大全,1、能容小人,方成君子。A gentleman is a man who can tolerate villains.2、能忍能让真君子,能屈能伸大丈夫。Tolerance can make a real gentleman and a resigned husband.3、宽而栗,严而温。Broa

  • [句子]有关宽容的英语谚语

    有关宽容的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.2、施行教人宽容。Teach tolerance.3、人心不是靠武力征服,而是靠爱和宽容征服。T
