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  • [句子]简单的30条英文谚语

    简单的30条英文谚语,谚语大全,1、出汗勤洗澡,保证皮肤好。Sweat and bathe frequently to ensure good skin.2、冬雪条被,春雪一把刀。Winter snow quilt, spring snow knife.3、鱼生火、肉生痰,白菜豆腐保平安。Fish makes fire, meat

  • [句子]自信英语谚语

    自信英语谚语,谚语大全,1、决心就是力量,信心就是成功。Resolution is strength, confidence is success.2、勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。Courage is the middle ground between confidence and fear.3、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。S

  • [句子]关于心胸开阔的英语谚语

    关于心胸开阔的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、大足以容众,德足以怀远。Big enough to accommodate the public, virtue enough to be far-reaching.2、正义之神,宽容是我们最完美的所。God of justice, tolerance is our most perfect p

  • [句子]关于尊重的英语谚语

    关于尊重的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、尊重自己最好的方法是尊重他人。The best way to respect yourself is to respect others.2、对人不尊敬的人,首先就是对自己不尊敬。The first thing that disrespects people is that they disre

  • [句子]尊重的谚语英语

    尊重的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、要学会尊重他人,他人才会尊重你,一切从我做起。To learn to respect others, others will respect you, everything from me.2、小的尊重老的,是尊重历史;老的爱惜小的,是爱惜未来。The small respect the old

  • [句子]相互尊重英语谚语

    相互尊重英语谚语,谚语大全,1、尊重别人是一种美德,受人尊重是一种幸福。Respect for others is a virtue, respect for others is a happiness.2、尊重他人,是赢得他人尊重的开端。Respect for others is the beginning of winni

  • [句子]关于性格英语谚语名句

    关于性格英语谚语名句,谚语大全,1、性格是一个人看不见的本质。Character is an invisible essence.2、习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。Habit forms character, which determines fate.3、教育人就是要形成人的性格。To educate people is to f

  • [句子]关于宽恕的英语谚语

    关于宽恕的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、君子量不极,胸吞百川流。Gentlemen are not enough, they swallow all rivers and streams.2、宽恕加一笑是最好的复仇。Forgiveness and laughter are the best revenge.3、百花齐放,百家争鸣。Le

  • [句子]关于理解的谚语英语

    关于理解的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、想理解别人的心,就要用爱去换。If you want to understand other people's hearts, you need to exchange them with love.2、宽容就是潇洒,宽容就是忘却,宽容就是忍耐。Tolerance is chic, to

  • [句子]英语礼仪谚语

    英语礼仪谚语,谚语大全,1、不学礼,无以立。No etiquette, no standing.2、贫而无谄,富而无骄。Poverty without flattery, wealth without pride.3、礼之用,和为贵。The use of courtesy, harmony is precious.4、礼貌

  • [句子]佛教英语谚语

    佛教英语谚语,谚语大全,1、知错能改,善莫大焉。Knowing what is wrong can be corrected.2、愿我未来,不闻恶声,不见恶人。May my future be free from evil voices and evil people.3、善恶若无报,乾坤必有私。If good and e

  • [句子]佛教谚语英文

    佛教谚语英文,谚语大全,1、不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己。Not forgiving all living beings, not forgiving all living beings, is suffering you.2、憎恨别人对自己是一种很大的损失。Hating others is a great los

  • [句子]关于放弃的谚语英语

    关于放弃的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、船舶放弃安全的港湾,才能在深海中收获满船鱼虾。Only when ships abandon safe harbors can they harvest fish and shrimp in the deep sea.2、上帝在关闭一扇门的同时,一定会为你打开另一扇门。When God clos

  • [句子]放弃的英文谚语

    放弃的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、懂得放弃,才能有更美好的未来。Know how to give up, in order to have a better future.2、你不可能什么都得到,所以你应该学会放弃。You can't get anything, so you should learn to give u

  • [句子]英文励志谚语30句

    英文励志谚语30句,谚语大全,1、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。Old hearts never grow old, but poor minds never die.2、和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.3、只给君子看门,不给小人当

  • [句子]英文励志谚语30句

    英文励志谚语30句,谚语大全,1、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。Old hearts never grow old, but poor minds never die.2、和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.3、只给君子看门,不给小人当

  • [句子]励志青春唯美英文句子

    励志青春唯美英文句子,励志的句子,1、距离已经消失,要么创新,要么死亡。Distance has disappeared, either innovation or death.2、对生活微笑吧,这样,你能察觉它的美。Smile at life so that you can perceive its beauty.3、不做欲望的奴

  • [句子]有关英文的爱国谚语

    有关英文的爱国谚语,谚语大全,1、就是祖国的炊烟,也使人感到香甜。It is the cooking smoke of the motherland that makes people feel sweet.2、谁不属于自己的祖国,那么他也就不属于人类。Who does not belong to his motherland,

  • [句子]有关爱的英语谚语

    有关爱的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、标了价的爱情是虚假的。Priced love is false.2、只要婚姻合,铁棒打不脱。As long as the marriage is in harmony, the iron rod will not break away.3、能使所爱的人快乐,便是得了报酬。To make a lo

  • [短信]同学祝福语简短英语

    同学祝福语简短英语,经典短信,1、尚未实现的崇高目标,要比经达到的渺小目标尤为珍贵。The noble goals that have not yet been achieved are more precious than the small ones that have been achieved.2、人生的聚会是一种缘分,
