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  3. confidence专题
  • [语录]励志语录英文短句

    励志语录英文短句,励志语录,1、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。There is no innate confidence, only the constant cultivation of confidence.2、没有遇到挫折,永远不会懂得自己的力量有多大。Without setbacks, I will never

  • [格言]我的人生格言英语

    我的人生格言英语,英语格言,1、人喜欢习惯,因为创造他的就是自己。Man likes habits, because what creates him is himself.2、我也说不出人生在世,是不是一件容易事儿。I can't tell if it's easy to live.3、生活不相信眼泪,眼泪并

  • [名言]信心英语名言

    信心英语名言,英语名言,1、信心来自谨慎。Confidence comes from care.2、信心可以移山。Faith can move mountains.3、信心能撑破口袋。Confidence can break the bag.4、天生我材必有用。I am born to be useful.5、信心比天才重

  • [名言]英语名言带作者

    英语名言带作者,英语名言,1、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。——培根Deep insights into their own heart, and then find all the miracles in yourself.2、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。—&mdash

  • [句子]简短的英语励志句子

    简短的英语励志句子,励志的句子,1、知识就是力量。Knowledge is power.2、知识改变命运。Knowledge can change fate.3、信心可以移山。Faith can move mountains.4、知识玩转财富。Knowledge to play the wealth.5、百学须先立志。The mu

  • [名言]20句英语名言

    20句英语名言,英语名言,1、一个人是否有成就只有看他是否具有自尊心和自信心两个条件。——苏格拉Whether a man is success only to see whether he have two conditions of self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • [名言]英语名人名言50句

    英语名人名言50句,英语名言,1、智慧之于灵魂犹如健康之于身体。——拉罗什富科Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.2、读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的人谈话。——歌德Read a good book, that is, an

  • [名言]自信名人名言英语

    自信名人名言英语,英语名言,1、对未来生活的自信,是理智的期望。——兰德Confident of the future, it is rational expectations.2、必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。——卓别林Must be confident, this is the

  • [名言]自信名人名言英语

    自信名人名言英语,英语名言,1、对未来生活的自信,是理智的期望。——兰德Confident of the future, it is rational expectations.2、必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。——卓别林Must be confident, this is the

  • [名言]有关自信的英语名言

    有关自信的英语名言,英语名言,1、我们爱我的民族,这是我们自信心的源泉。We love my nation, and this is the source of our confidence.2、只要具备了无知和自信,你就必然能成功。As long as had ignorance and self-confidence, yo

  • [名言]有关自信的英语名言

    有关自信的英语名言,英语名言,1、我们爱我的民族,这是我们自信心的源泉。We love my nation, and this is the source of our confidence.2、只要具备了无知和自信,你就必然能成功。As long as had ignorance and self-confidence, yo

  • [名言]有关态度的英文名言

    有关态度的英文名言,英语名言,1、自信是一回事,但是盲目的自信只会带来灭亡。Confidence is one thing, but blind confidence will only lead to destruction.2、勇敢有时候是理性制约下的一种镇定和自信。Brave sometimes is rational u

  • [名言]有关态度的英文名言

    有关态度的英文名言,英语名言,1、自信是一回事,但是盲目的自信只会带来灭亡。Confidence is one thing, but blind confidence will only lead to destruction.2、勇敢有时候是理性制约下的一种镇定和自信。Brave sometimes is rational u

  • [格言]小学英语格言

    小学英语格言,英语格言,1、勤奋是好运之母。Diligence is the mother of good luck.2、我能行,我能干!I can do, I do!3、书籍是巨大的气力。Books are great strength.4、无规矩不成方圆。No can be accomplished without n

  • [名言]外国英文名言励志

    外国英文名言励志,英语名言,1、壮志与热情是伟业的辅冀。——歌德Ambition and enthusiasm is great auxiliary ji.2、目标越接近,困难越增加。——歌德Target the closer it gets, the more difficul

  • [格言]人生激励格言短句英文

    人生激励格言短句英文,英语格言,1、只要有斗志,不怕没战场。As long as there is spirit, not afraid of no battlefield.2、破山中贼易,破心中贼难。Thief difficult mountain thief easily, breaking heart.3、自信就是成功的第一

  • [句子]励志英语优美句子

    励志英语优美句子,励志的句子,1、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。You want to do more things, it should bear much pressure.2、漫无目的的生活就像出海航行而没有指南针。Life without purpose is like sailing without a com

  • [句子]经典励志英语句子

    经典励志英语句子,励志的句子,1、不要抱着过去不放,拒绝新的观念和挑战。Don't hold on to the past and refuse to accept new ideas and challenges.2、是人都有惰性,这是与生俱来的,但是我们后天可以改变这种惰性,谁改变的越多,谁就越成功。Is the p

  • [句子]简单的英语励志句子

    简单的英语励志句子,励志的句子,1、要想改变命运,首先改变自己。If you want to change your life, change yourself first.2、敢于奋斗的人,心中不怕困难。Dare to struggle of the people, the heart is not afraid of diff

  • [句子]励志的英文句子简短的

    励志的英文句子简短的,励志的句子,1、愿君学长松,慎勿作桃李。Wish you loose for seniors, and be careful not to be.2、未遭拒绝的成功决不会长久。Success has not been rejected never long.3、不同的信念,决定不同的命运!Different b
