英语谚语运动,谚语大全,1、运动是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life.2、懒散易生病,勤劳可健身。Slow is easy to get sick, hard work can keep fit.3、天天练长跑,年老变年少。Practice long-distance runni
英语谚语关于运动,谚语大全,1、运动是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life.2、以自然之道,养自然之身。Nurture the body of nature by the way of nature.3、饭后百步走,活到九十九。Walk a hundred steps after di
关于运动英语谚语,谚语大全,1、运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。Exercise is like Ganoderma lucidum. Why bother finding the fairy prescription?2、懒散易生病,勤劳可健身。Slow is easy to get sick, hard work can
运动谚语英语,谚语大全,1、运动运动,疾病难碰。Exercise makes illness difficult to touch.2、人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。People's health depends not only on diet, but also on exercise.3、铁不冶炼不成钢,人
运动的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、天天练长跑,年老变年少。Practice long-distance running every day, getting older and younger.2、运动是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life.3、运动是健康的源泉。Exercise is
运动英语谚语,谚语大全,1、运动是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life.2、夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。Swimming in summer, long-distance running in winter, radio exercises all year round.3、墙
英语运动谚语,谚语大全,1、若要身体健,天天来锻炼。If you want to be healthy, exercise every day.2、动则不衰,用则不退。生命在于运动。Actions do not fade, but uses do not fade. Life lies in movement.3、墙靠基础
关于运动的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、运动是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life.2、卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹。Health is the best medicine, exercise is the golden pill.3、以自然之道,养自然之身。Nurture the body of
运动有关的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、发展体育运动,增强人民体质。Develop sports and enhance people's physique.2、跳绳踢毽,病少一半。Skipping rope kicking shuttlecock, less than half of the disease.3、人的健全,不
跟运动相关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、运动是健康的源泉。Exercise is the source of health.2、若要健,天天练。If you want to be healthy, practice every day.3、常洗澡,身体好;常运动,骨头硬。Often bathe, good health; often
谚语英文的特点,谚语大全,1、瓮根石头潮,雨水不久到。Owl root stone tide, rain soon arrived.2、枇杷好吃核成堆,杨梅好吃树难栽。Loquat is delicious, but bayberry is delicious and difficult to plant.3、母胖儿肥,种大
20句英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人横有道理,马横有缰绳。A horse has a reins.2、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。The rope is sawn and the dripping stones pierce.3、白沙在涅,与之俱黑。White sand is in Nirvana, and it is black.4、
生动形象的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、细水长流成河,粒米积蓄成箩。Thin water flows into rivers, and grain accumulates into baskets.2、只愁母老,不愁孩小。Only worry about mother and old, not about children.3、鱼生火
跟规则有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、一夜不宿,十夜不足。One night is not enough, ten nights are not enough.2、早起三光,晚起三慌。Get up early three lights, get up late three panic.3、只要肯劳动,一世不会穷。As long as
规则的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、庄稼怕旱,干活怕站。Crops are afraid of drought and work is afraid of standing.2、自己的东西是宝,别人的东西是草。One's own thing is treasure, another's thing is grass
二十句英文谚语,谚语大全,1、春雷十日阴,春雷十日寒。Spring thunder is cloudy on the tenth day and spring thunder is cold on the tenth day.2、豆苗要整齐,种子在地皮。Bean seedlings should be neat and th
关于枣的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、要想身体好,天天吃红枣。If you want to be healthy, eat red dates every day.2、一日吃仨枣,六十不显老。Eat three jujubes a day, sixty are not old.3、五谷加小枣,赛过灵芝草。Five grains an
名言和谚语英文,谚语大全,1、只要自己上进,不怕人家看轻。As long as they advance, they are not afraid of being looked down upon by others.2、有雨山戴帽,无雨山没腰。There are rainy mountains with hats, no
小学英文座右铭,座右铭,1、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。Whoever speaks in an inch of grass will be rewarded with spring sunshine.2、奇文共欣赏,疑义相如析。Qiwen is appreciated and doubts are analyzed.3、功夫
关于知识的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、谁要懂得多,就要睡得少。Anyone who knows more must sleep less.2、与有肝胆人共事,从无字句处读书。Work with courageous people and read from wordless sentences.3、知识无底,学海学涯。Knowled