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  • [句子]保护环境谚语大全英语

    保护环境谚语大全英语,谚语大全,1、地球是我们,从后代手中借来的。The earth is ours, borrowed from future generations.2、用我们的爱心,迎来校园的一片绿。With our love, usher in a green campus.3、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。Habit de

  • [句子]英语保护环境谚语

    英语保护环境谚语,谚语大全,1、那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。Where there is green, there is life.2、人类有了绿树、鲜花和小草,生活才会更美丽。With green trees, flowers and grass, life will be more beautiful.3、用我们的爱心,迎来

  • [句子]关于环境保护谚语英语

    关于环境保护谚语英语,谚语大全,1、保护生态环境,就是爱护自己。Protecting the ecological environment means taking care of oneself.2、学校是我家,环保靠大家。School is my home, environmental protection depends o

  • [句子]关于爱情的英语谚语

    关于爱情的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、两情若是久长时,以岂在朝朝暮暮。If love lasts for a long time, is it in the twilight?2、失恋失去的只是爱的对象,而不是爱情本身。Lost love is only the object of love, not love itself.3、不

  • [短信]2019高考顺利英文祝福语

    2019高考顺利英文祝福语,经典短信,1、笔记要便于看,要经常看,这是又一本教材。Notes should be easy to read and often read. This is another textbook.2、今朝我以校为荣,明日校以我为耀。Today I am proud of my school, and tomor

  • [短信]简短英文祝福语大全

    简短英文祝福语大全,经典短信,1、人的青春时期一过,就会出现象秋天一样的优美成熟时期。Once a person's youth has passed, there will be a beautiful mature period like autumn.2、逆境和挫折降临的同时,你就会得到一笔提高能力的财富。Adve

  • [句子]雪的句子英语

    雪的句子英语,经典句子,1、轻柔的小雪花飘飘悠悠地落下来。渐渐地,小雪花变大了,变厚了,密密麻麻的。Soft little snowflakes drifted down. Gradually, the snowflakes became bigger, thicker and dense.2、雪花朴实无华,雪花默默无闻,

  • [短信]感恩节祝福语英语

    感恩节祝福语英语,感恩节短信,1、我不知道说什么才好,除了谢谢。感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友!I don't know what to say except thank you. Thank you more than words, in a word, you are my life's con

  • [句子]关于冬天的英语句子

    关于冬天的英语句子,经典句子,1、冬天,虽然没有春天迷人的鸟语花香,没有夏天壮观的电闪雷鸣,没有秋天诱人的丰硕的果实,但它也有献给大自然的含蓄的美。In winter, although there is no charming spring birds and flowers, no spectacular thunder a

  • [句子]风景英语句子

    风景英语句子,经典句子,1、在明亮的月光下,有几座连绵起伏的山丘,有的像几把利剑直插天空。山里,传来了布谷鸟的叫声,清脆悦耳,优美动听!Under the bright moonlight, there are several ups and downs of hills, some like a few sharp sw

  • [句子]风景英文句子

    风景英文句子,经典句子,1、闷热无风,柳条无精打采的垂着,纹丝不动,水泥路上被晒的泛出点点银光,仿佛一切都要融化了,这只是某些地方。It was hot and windless, wickers drooping listlessly, motionless, and a little silvery light was

  • [句子]环保企业口号英文

    环保企业口号英文,口号大全,1、省一下能源,造福千万年。Save energy and benefit for millions of years.2、拯救环境,从细节做起。Save the environment and start from the details.3、人人为环保、环保为人人。Everyone is env

  • [名言]中英文对照名言警句

    中英文对照名言警句,英语名言,1、忘掉所有那些不可能的借口,去坚持那一个可能的理由。Forget all those impossible excuses and stick to that possible one.2、梦想,不去实现,终究只是梦想。Dream, not to achieve, after all, just

  • [句子]描写四季的英语句子

    描写四季的英语句子,好词好句,1、天空象是一只大鸟的丰满的翅膀,全是白色羽毛般的浮云。The sky is like the plump wings of a big bird, full of floating clouds like white feathers.2、满月像个黄黄的灯笼,从东方天边挑起在天空。The full

  • [句子]描写秋天的英文句子

    描写秋天的英文句子,好词好句,1、秋天的风带给大地的是丰收,带给我们的是快乐。The wind in autumn brings us harvest and happiness.2、秋日的朝阳略带羞涩地升起之后,便是霞光万丈。After the rising of the morning sun in autumn with

  • [名言]有关环境的英语名言

    有关环境的英语名言,英语名言,1、垃圾入河随水流,漂浮水面会很久。Garbage will float for a long time as it flows into the river.2、从我做起,保护环境,建设美好家园。Start from me, protect the environment and build a

  • [句子]英语标语

    英语标语,环保标语,1、保护环境系各人,美化校园靠大家。Protect the environment, everyone, to beautify the campus by everyone.2、快快行动起来,保护自然生态。Act quickly and protect the natural ecology.3、

  • [句子]英文标语

    英文标语,环保标语,1、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。To protect the green is to protect ourselves.2、丢掉的是品质,捡起的是美德。What is lost is quality, and what is picked is virtue.3、你在我心中最美,请不要将我摧毁。You

  • [句子]英文宣传标语

    英文宣传标语,环保标语,1、我选择,我喜欢,我环保,我健康。I choose, I love, my protection, my health.2、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。Use our hands to protect our earth.3、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are seedlings, we

  • [句子]英语环保标语

    英语环保标语,环保标语,1、留住草的美,体现你的美。Keep the grass beautiful, reflect your beauty.2、提高环保水平,就是提高生活质量。Improving environmental protection is to improve the quality of life.3、保
