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  • [句子]英语朋友的句子

    英语朋友的句子,经典句子,1、世界上用的最普通的名词是朋友,但是最难得的也是朋友。The most common noun in the world is friend, but the most rare one is also friend.2、不要因为失去一个不爱你的人,让爱你的人为你难过。Don't let

  • [句子]英语朋友句子

    英语朋友句子,经典句子,1、友谊与爱情都是旅途中寂寞心灵的良伴。友谊淡如茶,爱情浓似酒;好茶清香解渴,好酒芳醇醉人。Friendship and love are good companions for the lonely soul in the journey. Friendship is light as tea,

  • [句子]英文朋友的句子

    英文朋友的句子,经典句子,1、朋友是身边那份充实;是忍不住时刻想拨的号码;是深夜长坐的那杯清茶。Friends are the fullness around them; the number they can't help dialing all the time; the cup of tea that sits

  • [句子]朋友英文句子

    朋友英文句子,经典句子,1、真朋友,就算吵架也不影响感情,假朋友,就算玩得再嗨也只是演戏。True friends, even quarrels do not affect feelings, fake friends, even play hey is only acting.2、第一次遇见的时候是的斯斯文文的淑女,熟了

  • [句子]英文句子朋友

    英文句子朋友,经典句子,1、世上朋友之间的感情本罕见,平等朋友的情谊更难求。Friendship between friends is rare in the world, and friendship between equal friends is even harder to find.2、好朋友大抵就是,你是神经病

  • [句子]朋友句子英语

    朋友句子英语,经典句子,1、朋友是一路走,一路交的,也是一路走,一路丢的,因为有些人不值得你一直记得!Friends are all the way, all the way, all the way, all the way lost, because some people are not worth remember

  • [句子]朋友的句子英文

    朋友的句子英文,经典句子,1、真正的朋友,在你面前损你,在外人面前拼命维护你。Real friends, hurt you in front of you, in front of outsiders desperately defend you.2、只是相思情太浓,仅用相识意太淡,友情是相知,味甘境又远。Just love

  • [句子]英语初中句子

    英语初中句子,经典句子,1、我真不知道。I really don't know.2、你怎么不和我们踢足球呢?Why don't you play football with us?3、他们叫这个村庄桉树。They call this village Eucalyptus.4、你不应该让学生这么努力学习。Yo

  • [短信]用英语说一句祝福语

    用英语说一句祝福语,经典短信,1、新的一天开始,脾气得改,心态要风淡云轻!Starting a new day, we should change our temper and have a light mind.2、你是你人生的作者,何必把剧本写得苦不堪言。好友晚安!You're the author of your

  • [短信]同事跳槽英文祝福语

    同事跳槽英文祝福语,经典短信,1、友谊就是一朵朵迎雪而立的梅花,绽放开来,温暖着你我的心田。Friendship is a plum blossom standing in the snow, blooming, warming your heart and my heart.2、我最亲爱的朋友,你的快乐我会为你加倍,你有苦衷我

  • [短信]早上好英语祝福语

    早上好英语祝福语,经典短信,1、早上好,我把清晨的第一缕阳光送给你。Good morning. I'll give you the first ray of sunshine in the morning.2、睁开眼睛,给你送祝福,愿你快乐每一天!Open your eyes, give you good wishes

  • [句子]初中英语的句子

    初中英语的句子,经典句子,1、我现在必须要回家了。I have to go home now.2、刚才,我看见你捡起了一个苹果。Just now, I saw you pick up an apple.3、智者千虑,必有一失。A wise man who cares for everything must lose some

  • [短信]旅行祝福语英文版

    旅行祝福语英文版,经典短信,1、献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿福乐时刻与你相伴。分离只熔得友情更浓,重聚首将在那更灿烂的明天!I wish you all the best wishes. Separation will only melt into friendship, and the reunion will be bright

  • [短信]给闺蜜英文祝福语

    给闺蜜英文祝福语,经典短信,1、祝福你越活越年轻,越活越开心!I wish you more and more young, happier and happier!2、朋友,愿你一切皆好,万事如意!I wish you all the best and everything goes well.3、朋友,真诚的祝福你开心快乐

  • [短信]英文email祝福语

    英文email祝福语,经典短信,1、偶已心有所属,纵是孤栖独宿,亦不随波逐流,有负公子美意,再见还是朋友。I have a heart, even if it is solitary living alone, also do not drift with the waves, have a negative childlike

  • [句子]代表友谊的英文句子

    代表友谊的英文句子,经典句子,1、如果友谊一旦破坏了,连爱情也不能够再使它恢复。If friendship is destroyed, love will never be able to restore it.2、带着一颗真诚的心,你就能找到亲近万物的钥匙,找到到搭建友谊之桥的砖。With a sincere heart, y

  • [短信]旅行祝福语英文

    旅行祝福语英文,经典短信,1、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the futur

  • [短信]英文祝福语分别

    英文祝福语分别,经典短信,1、青山不改绿水长流,有缘再会!后会有期!Green hills do not change green water. See you around!2、浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。After the clouds are gone, the water runs for ten

  • [短信]英语感谢祝福语

    英语感谢祝福语,经典短信,1、感谢上苍,使我与你相遇。愿上苍保佑你的善良和真诚,愿我们常相聚,永不分离。Thank God for meeting you. May God bless you for your kindness and sincerity. May we always meet and never part

  • [短信]英文祝福语友情

    英文祝福语友情,经典短信,1、愿阳光永远与你同在,春天和你永不分开!May sunshine always be with you, and spring will never be separated from you!2、在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀。In the face of f
