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  • [短信]贺卡英文祝福语

    贺卡英文祝福语,经典短信,1、水与水之间有距离,但地心下一直相牵,人与人之间有距离,但心里时刻挂念,发条短信道声晚安,梦里我们相见。There is a distance between water and water, but under the heart of the earth has always been pul

  • [短信]英语日常祝福语

    英语日常祝福语,经典短信,1、幽香拂面,紫气兆祥,庆开业典礼,祝生意如春浓,财源似水来!The fragrance is on the chewing face, the purple flower is auspicious, celebrates the opening ceremony, wishes the busi

  • [短信]唯美英文祝福语

    唯美英文祝福语,经典短信,1、身体是**的本钱,注意劳逸结合,千万别累坏了。记得我们的约定啊,多联系!The body is the capital of revolution. Pay attention to work and rest. Do not be tired. Remember our appointment

  • [短信]邮件英语祝福语

    邮件英语祝福语,经典短信,1、无论茶是浓是淡,让清香永驻心间;无论距离是近是远,让记忆彼此相逢;无论联系是多是少,让祝福永远不变!Whether tea is strong or weak, let fragrance forever in the heart; regardless of distance is near

  • [短信]祝福语大全英文

    祝福语大全英文,经典短信,1、赠一张照片给你,赠一片静穆的风景给你,这风景属于所有的季节,不枯不黄,永远也不会褪色。Give you a picture, give you a quiet landscape, this landscape belongs to all seasons, not withered or ye

  • [短信]英文卡片祝福语

    英文卡片祝福语,经典短信,1、小河岸边,枝摇影飘;庭院深处,嫩绿含娇,剪一束春光相赠,愿你常笑。On the banks of the river, the branches float in the shadows. In the deep part of the courtyard, green and delicate

  • [短信]英语祝福语短句

    英语祝福语短句,经典短信,1、在我心灵的百花园里,采集金色的鲜花,我把最鲜艳的一朵给你,作为我对你的问候。Collect the golden flowers in the garden of my soul, and I give you the brightest one as my greeting.2、小雪到,祝福到

  • [短信]节日祝福语英文

    节日祝福语英文,经典短信,1、愿您元旦快乐,开心幸福!I wish you a happy new year, happy and happy!2、劳动节祝你流下辛勤的汗水,耕耘出幸福的生活,做一个人见人爱的劳动榜样。Labor Day wishes you to shed hard sweat, cultivate a h

  • [短信]春节英语祝福语

    春节英语祝福语,春节短信,1、新春的钟声不停地敲,我的祝福不停地送。千言祝福一句话:新春快乐,祥瑞新年!The bell of new spring keeps knocking, and my blessings are endless. A thousand words blessing: happy new year,

  • [短信]英语春节祝福语

    英语春节祝福语,春节短信,1、新年发大财行大运!身体健康,万事如意!一年伊始,福寿即来。New year's fortune! Good health and good luck! At the beginning of the year, Fu Shou came.2、悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,

  • [短信]英语过年祝福语

    英语过年祝福语,春节短信,1、在新年里恭祝您梦想与辉煌同在!健康!如意!吉祥!Wishing you all the best in the new year. Healthy! Good luck! Auspicious!2、喜迎新春佳节之日,普天同庆,愿来年的我们也能健康成长,学业有成,开开心心每一天!Happy New

  • [短信]羊年英语祝福语

    羊年英语祝福语,春节短信,1、新年到,祝你在新的一年里,工作顺利,家庭幸福,身体健康,万事如意!In the new year, I wish you success in your work in the new year, family happiness, good health and all the best.2、

  • [短信]过年祝福语英文

    过年祝福语英文,春节短信,1、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我所做的一切。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, and thank you for all you have done for me. Please ac

  • [短信]企业祝福语英文

    企业祝福语英文,经典短信,1、祝愿公司蓬勃发展,日胜一日!I wish the company a flourishing day and a day!2、恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,新年更有新气象!I wish you every success and New Year!3、努力进取,争取少犯错误,要在错误中进步。Strive

  • [短信]英文退休祝福语

    英文退休祝福语,经典短信,1、但得夕阳无限好,何须惆怅近黄昏。But the sunset is infinitely good, and why melancholy is near dusk.2、绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a

  • [短信]英文退休祝福语

    英文退休祝福语,经典短信,1、但得夕阳无限好,何须惆怅近黄昏。But the sunset is infinitely good, and why melancholy is near dusk.2、绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a

  • [短信]祝福语大全英语

    祝福语大全英语,经典短信,1、无论在何时何地,幸福和快乐永远会陪伴着你。No matter when and where, happiness and happiness will always accompany you.2、友情不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。Friendship does not r

  • [短信]2019祝福语英文

    2019祝福语英文,经典短信,1、在每天的清晨,我的祝福都会陪你慢慢醒来,慢慢实现,慢慢成功。祝你天天有个好心情!In the morning, my blessing will accompany you slowly wake up, slowly realize, slowly success. I wish you a

  • [名言]读书名言大全英语

    读书名言大全英语,英语名言,1、日出照亮大地,读书清醒头脑。The sun rises to light the earth, and the mind to read.2、你若需要时间,还得自己把他造出来。If you need time, you have to build it yourself.3、学而不思则惘,思而不

  • [名言]读书名言英语翻译

    读书名言英语翻译,英语名言,1、茫茫书海,寻获佳书,犹如浪里淘沙,沙中觅金。The vast sea of books, finding a good book, is like sand in the waves and gold in the sand.2、识字要读书,种地要养猪。Literacy requires rea
