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  • [句子]爱情的句子英文

    爱情的句子英文,爱情的句子,1、爱情不是最初的甜蜜,而是繁华退却依然不离不弃。Love is not the first sweet, but prosperous retreat is still inseparable.2、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。To the world, you may

  • [句子]企业文化标语中英文

    企业文化标语中英文,企业标语,1、讲文明从我做起,树新风从现在开始。Speaking of civilization, start with me, new trees, from now on.2、每项操作求质量,产品质量有保障。Each operation is of quality, and the product qua

  • [句子]企业文化标语中英文

    企业文化标语中英文,企业标语,1、讲文明从我做起,树新风从现在开始。Speaking of civilization, start with me, new trees, from now on.2、每项操作求质量,产品质量有保障。Each operation is of quality, and the product qua

  • [句子]企业标语中英文翻译

    企业标语中英文翻译,企业标语,1、持之以恒,精益求精。Persevere and strive for excellence.2、品质有缺陷,寸步难行。Quality defects, can't do anything.3、只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由。Only to find a way to success, n

  • [句子]企业标语口号英文

    企业标语口号英文,企业标语,1、迎接变化,勇于创新。Welcome change and innovation.2、产品若要无缺点,全面品管不可免。Products without defects, total quality control can not be avoided.3、让环宇风帆载着优质的产品,跨越世纪。Let

  • [句子]企业标语翻译

    企业标语翻译,企业标语,1、立优质精神,构世界蓝图。Set high quality spirit, make world blueprint.2、只要精神不滑坡,办法总比困难多。As long as the spirit does not slide, the method is always greater than

  • [句子]广告标语英语

    广告标语英语,广告标语,1、建筑无限生活。一一万科 Unlimited life of architecture.2、当之无愧。一一当铺广告 Fully deserve。3、因智慧而不同。一一多普达 Different from wisdom.4、健康成就未来。一一海王 Health accomplishes the fu

  • [句子]广告标语英文

    广告标语英文,广告标语,1、做女人挺好!一一丰胸 It's good to be a woman!2、天天都是春天。一一昆明 Every day is spring.3、水原来如此。一一乐百氏The water So that is what it is.4、科技创造自由。一一联想 Technology creat

  • [句子]唯美的英语爱情句子

    唯美的英语爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、喜欢是浅浅的爱,爱是深深的喜欢,如果我得不到全部,我宁可一无所有。Like is shallow love, love is deep love, if I can not get all, I would rather have nothing.2、吵完架又嬉皮笑脸,重归于好的人才是真感情。A

  • [句子]优美的英语爱情句子

    优美的英语爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、爱就大声说出来,因为你永远不会知道,明天和意外哪个会先来。Love speaks out loud, because you never know which comes first tomorrow or accident.2、所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记!The so-c

  • [句子]英文爱情句子带翻译

    英文爱情句子带翻译,爱情的句子,1、因为寂寞才去爱,往往会陷入更深更深无可救药的寂寞中。Love because of loneliness, often fall into deeper and more hopeless loneliness.2、只有爱你的人,才会在意你的情绪和你的一切。Only those who love

  • [句子]英文句子爱情简短句子

    英文句子爱情简短句子,爱情的句子,1、爱那么短,遗忘那么长。Love is so short, forgetting is so long.2、如果有一天,我的状态不再频繁更新,那便证明我过的很好。If one day, my status is not updated frequently, it will prove that

  • [格言]英文格言爱情短一点

    英文格言爱情短一点,爱情格言,1、请不要为爱你的人流泪,因为爱你的人不会让你流泪!Please don't cry for the one who loves you, because the one who loves you won't make you cry!2、放弃了所有,我相信时间可以证明我是对的。G

  • [句子]唯美的爱情句子英文

    唯美的爱情句子英文,爱情的句子,1、早已放弃的那份宁静,远离我们的真诚话语,为了能相爱直至成伤。The peace that has been abandoned, far away from our sincere words, in order to love until it hurts.2、之所以会念念不忘,是因为自知此生

  • [句子]英文名言名句大全爱情

    英文名言名句大全爱情,英语名言,1、喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,要你的未来。Those who like you want your present; those who love you want your future.2、人世间,能与你分享幸福的不是爱人,能分享艰难的,一定是。In the world, it is n

  • [名言]英文名言名句大全爱情

    英文名言名句大全爱情,英语名言,1、喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,要你的未来。Those who like you want your present; those who love you want your future.2、人世间,能与你分享幸福的不是爱人,能分享艰难的,一定是。In the world, it is n

  • [句子]有关爱情的英文句子

    有关爱情的英文句子,爱情的句子,1、我很想打扰你,可是没有话题,也没有勇气。I'd like to disturb you, but I have no topic and courage.2、长大了才知道,原来爱而不得,是世间常态。When I grow up, I realize that love is the no

  • [句子]英文句子爱情短句

    英文句子爱情短句,爱情的句子,1、愿相爱的人各得其所,愿放逐的人终获自由。May everyone who loves each other get their place, and those who are banished be free at last.2、爱情就是一个将陌生人变成情侣,又将情侣变成陌生人的游戏。Love

  • [句子]英语名句关于爱情

    英语名句关于爱情,爱情的句子,1、在这个世界上,不要太依赖别人,因为即使是你的影子也会在黑暗里离开你。In this world, don't rely too much on others, because even your shadow will leave you in the dark.2、我对你的爱从来没有停

  • [句子]英语爱情美句带翻译

    英语爱情美句带翻译,爱情的句子,1、当你强大了,你才会遇到比你强大的;当你变好,你才配得起更好。When you are strong, you will meet stronger than you; when you are better, you will deserve better.2、谁心里没有故事,只是学会了控制。W
