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  • [说说]2016年伤感英文说说

    2016年伤感英文说说,伤感说说,1、快乐给了你,寂寞给自己。Happy to give you, lonely to yourself.2、对不起,我忘记我还是孩子。I'm sorry, I forgot I was a kid.3、泪流不止的,我还剩下什么。Tears flow more than that, I sti

  • [格言]经典英文爱情短句

    经典英文爱情短句,英语格言,1、一朵花谢了,就再寻找另一朵。A flower, thanks, try to find another flower.2、想不出挽回的借口,找不到留下的理由。Can't think of to save an excuse to find reasons for leaving.3、别问

  • [短信]结婚祝福语英文

    结婚祝福语英文,结婚短信,1、祝你们百年恩爱结连理,一生幸福永同心!I wish you love knot, one hundred life happiness YongTong heart!2、百年好合!新婚痛快,甜甜美蜜!早生贵子!Good luck in one hundred! Newly married hap

  • [短信]结婚英文祝福短信

    结婚英文祝福短信,结婚短信,1、好事连连,好梦圆圆。合家欢乐,双燕齐飞。Good health, good dream round. Family, the double swallow fly together.2、祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!The knot I wish you, good luck o

  • [签名]qq个性签名英文

    qq个性签名英文,QQ个性签名,1、原谅我这一生脸大不羁还爱吃。Forgive my life also eat uninhibited face.2、忘了,不是时光机,回不到过去。Forget, not a time machine, back to the past.3、你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。Do you think

  • [名言]励志的英语谚语

    励志的英语谚语,英语名言,1、闷头狗,暗下口。Bulkhead dog, dark mouth.2、人有志,竹有节。People have Chi, bamboo has a festival.3、自称好,烂稻草。Claiming to be good, rotten straw.4、一理通,百理融。One reason,

  • [名言]常见英语励志谚语

    常见英语励志谚语,英语名言,1、人怕理,马怕鞭。Man is afraid of reason, and the horse is afraid of the whip.2、人怕私,地怕荒。People are afraid of private, fear of shortage.3、刻薄成家,终无久享。Mean to ge

  • [名言]英语励志谚语

    英语励志谚语,英语名言,1、经得广,知得多。Widely known, much more.2、使心用心,反害自身。Cause the heart to heart, the anti harm oneself.3、马看牙板,人看言行。Horses look at the teeth, people look at the

  • [名言]英文名言名句大全

    英文名言名句大全,英语名言,1、千里之行,始于足下。Every journey begins with the first step.2、书是人类进步的阶梯。Books are the ladder of human progress.3、读万卷书,行万里路。Read ten thousand books, traveling

  • [短信]明信片英文祝福语

    明信片英文祝福语,经典短信,1、让这缠绵的诗句,敲响幸福的钟声。愿你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老!Let this touching poem, ring in happiness. May you two always be in love, grow old together!2、累了,领悟并领悟停歇,迷了,换个角度,冷了,就给自

  • [短信]七夕情人节温馨英文祝福

    七夕情人节温馨英文祝福,七夕节短信,1、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。Love is innocent kite, pulling the most care about.2、你从未把我放心上,又怎会懂得我对你的好。You never trust me, how can understand my good for you.3、如果

  • [短信]七夕英语短信

    七夕英语短信,七夕节短信,1、我将是你的情人,直到地老天荒。I will be your valentine until the end of time.2、有时候阳光很温暖,让我觉得人生很是漫长。Sometimes the sunlight is very warm, let me feel life is very lo

  • [签名]一句话心情英文签名

    一句话心情英文签名,个性签名,1、抱着自己喜欢的人才有感觉。Holding your favorite people have a feeling.2、水至清则无鱼,人至贱则无敌。Water to clear, no fish, people are invincible.3、人是不是都这么贱,分手后还想念。People are

  • [短信]生病祝福语英文

    生病祝福语英文,经典短信,1、生命在于运动,天天锻炼,益寿延年!Life is movement, exercise every day, life live!2、你的康复,就是我的幸福;你的安康,就是我的平安。你会好起来的!Your recovery, is my happiness; Your well-being is

  • [签名]qq签名伤感英文女生

    qq签名伤感英文女生,女生个性签名,1、没有了你,我真的很孤单。Without you, I'm so alone.2、我在怀念,你不再怀念的。I miss, you no longer miss.3、泪流不止的,我还剩下什么。Tears flow more than that, I still have what.4、相爱是

  • [签名]qq英文签名伤感女生

    qq英文签名伤感女生,女生个性签名,1、经受不了,你这种所谓的性格。Can't stand this kind of character.2、只是悔恨当初没有拉住你的手。I just regret that I didn't hold your hand.3、闺蜜、你存在我深深的脑海里。Bestie, you deep

  • [签名]qq个性签名女生英文的

    qq个性签名女生英文的,女生个性签名,1、其实深拥,比什么都温暖。In fact, a deep hug, than what are warm.2、幸福如同饮水,冷暖自知。Happiness is like drinking water, lengnuanzizhi.3、有些爱,不得不,各安天涯。Some love, to the e

  • [签名]qq个性签名英文唯美

    qq个性签名英文唯美,QQ个性签名,1、前方无绝路,希望在转角。There is no end, hope in the corner.2、不能给我的、请完整给她。Can't give me, please complete to her.3、彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。Years cardamom, who made who

  • [签名]qq英文个性签名唯美

    qq英文个性签名唯美,QQ个性签名,1、等一个黄昏,爱一个清晨。Waiting for an evening, love an early morning.2、脾气好的男人,特别迷人。The man with a good temper is particularly charming.3、没有你的一生,在长也是余生。Not your

  • [签名]qq搞笑英文签名

    qq搞笑英文签名,搞笑个性签名,1、空口无凭,吃饭为据。According to a verbal statement without any proof, eat.2、打死你,我也不会说。Kill you, I won't say.3、揍你个性生活不能自理!Beat your personal life can not
