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  3. happiness专题
  • [句子]朋友句子英文

    朋友句子英文,经典句子,1、朋友就是天空的星星,努力散发光芒,即使或明或灭,但却一直存在。Friends are the stars in the sky. They try to shine, even if they are bright or dead, but they always exist.2、一步一步来是做

  • [短信]端午英语祝福语简短

    端午英语祝福语简短,端午节短信,1、端午到,粽子香,大大的粽子送你尝,祝你事业发达。Dragon Boat Festival arrives, dumplings fragrant, big dumplings for you to taste, I wish you a prosperous career.2、端午节,想朋友,念

  • [短信]端午祝福语简短英文

    端午祝福语简短英文,端午节短信,1、祝你幸福安康,万事如意,端午快乐!I wish you happiness and well-being, all the best, happy Dragon Boat Festival!2、端午节到了,我希望看到你的微笑,像五月里的石榴花,愿端午节快乐!Dragon Boat Festiva

  • [短信]新婚英文祝福语大全

    新婚英文祝福语大全,结婚短信,1、莲花并蒂开,情心相印;梧枝连理栽,灵犀相互沟通!愿你俩百年好合,夫唱妇随!Lotus blossoms and pedicels open, feelings are mutually imprinted; Wuzhi Lianliang planting, Lingxi mutual comm

  • [短信]结婚周年祝福语英文

    结婚周年祝福语英文,结婚短信,1、金屋笙歌偕彩凤,洞房花烛喜乘龙。Golden house sings with colorful phoenixes, and bridal chamber candles like dragons.2、由相知而相爱,由相爱而更加相知。人们常说的神仙眷侣就是你们了!Love from knowi

  • [短信]婚礼贺卡祝福语英文

    婚礼贺卡祝福语英文,结婚短信,1、结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't get married, love will die without a place to bury.2、一张桌子有四方,新娘坐起不开腔。

  • [短信]朋友结婚祝福语英文

    朋友结婚祝福语英文,结婚短信,1、月老扯来的红线将两颗心拴住,得到的是我们由衷的祝福。The red line pulled by Yue Lao tied the two hearts together and got our heartfelt wishes.2、我今生今世爱定你!愿这一生只牵你的手!I love you a

  • [短信]祝福语英文新婚快乐

    祝福语英文新婚快乐,结婚短信,1、愿以后的每个日子都像今日这般喜悦、幸福!May every day in the future be as happy and happy as it is today!2、珍惜这爱情,如珍惜宝藏,感受每一刻美妙时光。Cherish this love, such as treasure, fe

  • [短信]老公生日英文祝福语

    老公生日英文祝福语,生日短信,1、每一年的今天陪你一起走!亲爱的,生日快乐!Every year today, accompany you to go! Happy birthday to my dear!2、亲爱的,谢谢你给我一个温暖的家。老公,生日快乐!Honey, thank you for giving me a war

  • [短信]宝宝百天祝福语英文

    宝宝百天祝福语英文,经典短信,1、恭喜!祝家庭美满幸福,宝宝天真可爱。Congratulations! I wish my family a happy and innocent baby.2、春天的花开了,我知道你来了,带着我们的希望,姗姗而至!Spring flowers blossom, I know you are he

  • [短信]孩子生日祝福语英语

    孩子生日祝福语英语,生日短信,1、如果你有那个实力,就好好利用它,绽放它。If you have that strength, make good use of it and blossom it.2、愿你像花仙子一样美丽,幸福和欢乐与你同在。May you be as beautiful as a flower fairy,

  • [短信]生日祝福语英语老师

    生日祝福语英语老师,生日短信,1、老师像一支红烛,为后辈献出了所有的热和光!Teachers are like a red candle, giving all the heat and light for their descendants!2、老师,您就是照亮我们人生的蜡烛,我们将永远敬爱您,感谢您。Teacher, you

  • [短信]恋人生日英文祝福语

    恋人生日英文祝福语,生日短信,1、祝我的爱人生日快乐,时光飞逝,但我对你的爱却更醇厚。Happy birthday to my lover, time flies, but my love for you is more mellow.2、生日的烛光中摇曳一季繁花,每一支都是我的祝愿:生日快乐!Birthday candleli

  • [短信]经典英文生日祝福语

    经典英文生日祝福语,生日短信,1、也许你并不是为我而生,可我却有幸与你相伴。愿我有生之年,年年为你点燃生日的烛焰。Maybe you weren't born for me, but I was lucky to be with you. May I light your birthday candles every y

  • [短信]简单英语祝福语生日

    简单英语祝福语生日,生日短信,1、支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福。幸运的你,明天会更好!Branches of brilliant candlelight, happy birthday. Lucky you, tomorrow will be better!2、羡慕你的生日是这样浪漫,充满诗情画意,只希望你的每一天都快乐健康美

  • [短信]生日英语祝福语大全

    生日英语祝福语大全,生日短信,1、朋友,在此时此刻,只想祝福你,生日快乐!Friends, at this moment, just want to wish you a happy birthday!2、愿你事业蒸蒸日上,身体健康,最后祝生日快乐!Wishing you a prosperous career and good

  • [短信]生日祝福语英语简短

    生日祝福语英语简短,生日短信,1、让爱情带给你幸福,让友情带给你快乐,让今天的花儿为你欢笑,生日快乐!Let love bring you happiness, let friendship bring you happiness, let today's flowers laugh for you, happy bir

  • [短信]生日祝福语大全英语

    生日祝福语大全英语,生日短信,1、愿您永远跟朝阳、春天结伴,像青草漫野那样充满生机。May you always be with the sunrise and spring, full of vitality like grass and wilderness.2、让我的祝福像那悦耳的铃声飘进你的耳畔,留驻您的心间。祝您生日快

  • [短信]生日贺卡祝福语英语

    生日贺卡祝福语英语,生日短信,1、祝您:心想事成!幸福欢快!生日欢快!Wish you success! Happiness and joy! Happy birthday!2、我要送你一首歌曲,愿你听出吉祥如意!生日快乐!I want to send you a song, I hope you can hear the go

  • [短信]客户春节祝福语英语

    客户春节祝福语英语,春节短信,1、祝幸福安康,福运无疆。除夕快乐!I wish you happiness, health and good luck. Happy New Year's Eve!2、祝你在新的一年里幸福绵绵,一生平安!Wish you happiness and peace in the new yea
