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  • [说说]分手了的英文长篇说说

    分手了的英文长篇说说,伤感说说,1、世界上,唯独骗不了的,是自己的心。它总在你最没提防时,暴露你的欢喜忧愁。In the world, only can't cheat, is own heart. It always exposes your joys and sorrows when you are least ale

  • [说说]爱情说说大全伤感英文

    爱情说说大全伤感英文,伤感说说,1、夜深了,我困了,无法入睡的只有念你的心情。Late at night, I am sleepy, can't sleep only read your mood.2、因为你不需要,所以什么都成了借口。Because you don't need it, everything be

  • [说说]微信英语想念伤感说说

    微信英语想念伤感说说,伤感说说,1、费劲心思和你聊天的样子,连我自己都感到疲惫。The way I tried to talk with you, even I felt tired.2、装满你的心,被掏空时,会是怎样的伤痕累累。Fill your heart, when hollowed out, what kind of sc

  • [句子]英语说说心情伤感句子

    英语说说心情伤感句子,伤感的句子,1、实,很多事我很介意,只是笑着说没关系。Actually, I really mind a lot of things, just smile and say it doesn't matter.2、太多话哽咽在喉咙,我怕张嘴就是嘶吼。Too much choked in my throa

  • [说说]英语伤感爱情说说带翻译

    英语伤感爱情说说带翻译,伤感说说,1、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。The past is no longer back, the back is no longer perfect.2、我多害怕习惯了谁的好,然后又被无情的丢掉。I'm afraid to get used to who's good, and t

  • [说说]扣扣说说伤感爱情英语带翻译

    扣扣说说伤感爱情英语带翻译,伤感说说,1、不是不痛了,只是痛太久,麻木了。It's not that it doesn't hurt, it's just that it's too long and numb.2、最痛的距离,是你不在身边,却在我的心里。The most painful distance

  • [说说]qq说说英语伤感说说心情短语

    qq说说英语伤感说说心情短语,伤感说说,1、不知何时,你的心里已被别人全部占据了。I don't know when your heart has been occupied by others.2、别对我说对不起,我不想跟你没关系。Don't say sorry to me. I don't want to ha

  • [说说]英文长篇爱情说说带翻译

    英文长篇爱情说说带翻译,经典说说,1、不管风雨再不再来,让我的爱伴着你直到永远。无需言证的承诺,我的心早已给了你。今生今世只想和你在一起。No matter the wind and rain will never come again, let my love accompany you forever. No need to p

  • [说说]关于英文带翻译的爱情说说

    关于英文带翻译的爱情说说,经典说说,1、心没有栖息的地方,到哪都是流浪。There is no place for the heart to inhabit. It's a vagabond everywhere.2、喜剧的开头,悲剧的收场。The beginning of comedy, the end of tragedy

  • [说说]金典爱情英文句子说说心情

    金典爱情英文句子说说心情,说说心情短语,1、如果两个人分开后还能做朋友,他们要么没爱过,要么还爱着。If two people can still be friends after separation, they either haven't loved or still love.2、人的一生注定会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,

  • [说说]英语爱情心情说说心情短语

    英语爱情心情说说心情短语,说说心情短语,1、思念着受伤的伤口,我轻轻一碰它就会痛。Miss the wound, I touch it gently will hurt.2、不是不爱你,不是没有想你,那份感情只能藏在心里最深处。Not do not love you, not do not miss you, that feelings

  • [说说]关于英语的爱情短句子说说心情

    关于英语的爱情短句子说说心情,说说心情短语,1、如花美眷,似水流年,回得了过去,回不了当初。Like a beautiful flower, like water, back to the past, back to the original.2、你的负担将变成礼物,你受的苦将照亮你的路。Your burden will become a g

  • [说说]爱情的说说英文说说大全

    爱情的说说英文说说大全,经典说说,1、怪我没有能力把你留在身边,就这样看着你远去。Blame me for not being able to keep you by my side, just watching you go away.2、因为有你在,最黑暗那一刻还是会有缝隙投进微弱的光。Because you are there

  • [说说]英语爱情的说说心情短语

    英语爱情的说说心情短语,说说心情短语,1、青春,是承受一切的伤,然后坚强,然后成长。Youth, is to bear all the wounds, and then strong, and then grow up.2、常相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能常相知。If we know each other often, we can n

  • [说说]情侣爱情英文说说心情短语

    情侣爱情英文说说心情短语,说说心情短语,1、还剩下多少天,是不是你我的爱已经走到了尽头。How many days are left? Are you my love has come to an end.2、回得了曾经,回不到当初。Back to once, back to the original.3、你何必急着放开我的手?失望攒够了

  • [说说]英文空间说说大全爱情

    英文空间说说大全爱情,空间说说,1、有时候失去了所有的记忆,也是可以天天开心。Sometimes lost all memory, but also can be happy every day.2、把你的温柔,你的暴躁,全都交给我好好珍藏。Give me all your gentleness and your grumpine

  • [说说]英语说说爱情心情短语

    英语说说爱情心情短语,说说心情短语,1、突然很想对自己说声对不起,对不起再也找不回原来的自己。Suddenly I want to say sorry to myself. I'm sorry I can't find myself again.2、没有什么永远,没有什么很久。找个借口,谁都可以先走。Nothing f

  • [句子]说说爱情短语大全英文

    说说爱情短语大全英文,爱情的句子,1、当你爱我,我就拼命爱你。When you love me, I love you as much as I can.2、即便你走到天涯海角,但你却永远走不出我的内心。Even if you go to the ends of the earth, but you will never go ou

  • [签名]说说英文签名带翻译爱情

    说说英文签名带翻译爱情,情侣个性签名,1、男人不能宠,一宠就出轨。A man can't be spoiled. He will cheat when he is spoiled.2、陷在一场注定没有结局的爱情当中,注定伤得好深好痛!Trapped in a doomed love with no ending, it'

  • [说说]适合男生的英文爱情说说

    适合男生的英文爱情说说,经典说说,1、感谢那些认识了我,看透了我,如今还陪在我身边的人。Thank those who know me, see through me, and still accompany me.2、将你锁在心底,将记忆彻底记忆。Lock you in the bottom of your heart, and
