英文励志谚语,谚语大全,1、处逸乐而欲不放,居贫苦而志不倦。Living in leisure and pleasure, living in poverty and tireless aspiration.2、天才无非是长久的忍耐,努力吧!Genius is nothing but endurance. Work har
英语励志谚语100句,谚语大全,1、人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。People look up and birds fly up.2、以势服人口,以理服人心。To subdue the population by force and the people by reason.3、水不激不跃,人不激不奋。Water is not exci
常用英语励志谚语,谚语大全,1、与其坐而言,不如起而行。It's better to go up than sit down.2、除了放弃尝试以外没有失败!No failure except to give up trying!3、菜没盐无味,话没理无力。The dishes are tasteless and sal
励志英语谚语,谚语大全,1、胸有淩云志,无高不可攀。Chest has a bright ambition, no high can not be climbed.2、衣服不洗要脏,种田不犁要荒。Clothes must be dirty if they are not washed, and fields must be
英文励志谚语30句,谚语大全,1、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。Old hearts never grow old, but poor minds never die.2、和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.3、只给君子看门,不给小人当
英文励志谚语30句,谚语大全,1、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。Old hearts never grow old, but poor minds never die.2、和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.3、只给君子看门,不给小人当
英语谚语励志七年级,谚语大全,1、男儿出门志,不独为谋身。A man's ambition to go out is not just for his own sake.2、愈学习,愈发现自己无知。The more you study, the more you find yourself ignorant.3、顶峰属有
英语谚语人生励志篇,谚语大全,1、心如磐石固,志比松柏坚。The heart is as solid as a rock, and the ambition is stronger than the pine and cypress.2、是蛇一身冷,是狼一身腥。Snakes are cold, wolves are fishy.
有关商务英语的谚语,谚语大全,1、人高谈今古,物高价出头。People talk about the past and the present, and the prices are high.2、货真价实,童斐不欺。The real price, Tong Fei is not deceived.3、人无歪财不富,马无夜草不肥
关于商务英语谚语,谚语大全,1、做人讲人格,买卖讲道德。Personality is the key to life, and morality is the key to business.2、宁在饭前跑断腿,莫在饭后磨破嘴。Better break your leg before meals than grind your
关于商业方面的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、人看一张脸,货卖一张皮。A man looks at a face and sells a skin.2、放得千日货,自有赚钱时。When you put in thousands of daily goods, you make your own money.3、不怕货比货,只求心贴心。Don
英语商业谚语,谚语大全,1、过秤量轻重,听语测人品。Excessive weighing, listening and character testing.2、养财之道,贵在忍让。The way to raise money lies in tolerance.3、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。Supports the bo
有关于经商的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、经营讲核算,莫吃大锅饭。Business accounting, do not eat big pot rice.2、当哄得哄,当骗得骗。When coaxed, when deceived.3、贸易中岂无学问,经营内亦有文章。There are not only knowledge in tr
商业谚语英语,谚语大全,1、一种买,千种卖。One buy, one thousand sell.2、柜台站三年,见人能相面。For three years, people can meet at the counter.3、人没到话要到,生意一定跑不掉。Business can't run away if no
商务英文谚语,谚语大全,1、不怕货拥,就怕货冷。If you are not afraid of being overwhelmed, you are afraid of being cold.2、人叫人千声不信,货叫人点头就来。If a man calls a thousand words to disbelieve,
商务英语的谚语,谚语大全,1、没有最好,只有更好。There is no best, only better.2、占有信息,必得效益。If you possess information, you will get benefits.3、裁衣先量体,经商先摸底。Cut clothes first, measure the b
常用的英文商业谚语,谚语大全,1、不怕卖不掉,就怕话不到。Not afraid to sell, not afraid to say.2、靠山吃山,靠水吃水。Eat hills by hills and water by water.3、和气生财,童叟勿欺。Harmony generates wealth. Don't
诚信有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、一言之美,贵于千金。The beauty of a word is worth a thousand dollars.2、刻薄不赚钱,忠厚不蚀本。Being mean does not make money, but being loyal does not cost money.3、君子养心,