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  • [句子]英语谚语作文

    英语谚语作文,谚语大全,1、有话说在明处,有药敷在痛处。There is a saying that in the open place, there are medicines applied to the pain.2、没有乡下泥腿,饿死城里油嘴。Without mud legs in the countryside,

  • [句子]作文英语谚语

    作文英语谚语,谚语大全,1、宁可做过,不可错过。Better do it than Miss it.2、不怕不识货,就怕货比货。If you are afraid of not knowing the goods, you are afraid of comparing the goods with the goods.3

  • [句子]英语作文常用谚语

    英语作文常用谚语,谚语大全,1、宁走十步远,不走一步险。Better take ten steps than one step.2、穷人手脚黑,富人心眼黑。The poor have black hands and feet, but the rich have black eyes.3、贪图小利,难成大事。It's

  • [句子]英语作文常用谚语

    英语作文常用谚语,谚语大全,1、宁走十步远,不走一步险。Better take ten steps than one step.2、穷人手脚黑,富人心眼黑。The poor have black hands and feet, but the rich have black eyes.3、贪图小利,难成大事。It's

  • [句子]英语写作常用谚语

    英语写作常用谚语,谚语大全,1、两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。The mountains on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are facing each other and the sails are on the edge of the sun.2、不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层。Do

  • [句子]英文谚语作文

    英文谚语作文,谚语大全,1、千靠万靠,不如自靠。It is better to rely on oneself than on one's own.2、没钱时挨饿,有钱时耀阔。When you have no money, you starve; when you have money, you shine.3、说

  • [句子]谚语英文作文

    谚语英文作文,谚语大全,1、风大就凉,人多就强。When the wind blows, it cools, and when there are many people, it strengthens.2、自信是走向成功的第一步。Self-confidence is the first step to success.3

  • [句子]英语作文谚语

    英语作文谚语,谚语大全,1、多锉出快锯,多做长知识。More files, more saws, more knowledge.2、行为不正经,舌头短三分。Misconduct, tongue short three points.3、树大招风,气大遭凶。Trees attract great wind and suffe

  • [句子]英文作文谚语

    英文作文谚语,谚语大全,1、不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。No burden, no weight, no long road, no distance.2、树老根子深,人老骨头硬。The old roots of trees are deep, but the old bones of men are hard.3、天

  • [句子]谚语英语作文

    谚语英语作文,谚语大全,1、多下及时雨,少放马后炮。Rain more in time and fire less afterwards.2、有理的想着说,没理的抢着说。Reasonable thinking, unreasonable rush to say.3、当面是人,背后是鬼。Face to face is hum

  • [句子]英语作文中谚语

    英语作文中谚语,谚语大全,1、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice,2、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Sow a melon, grow a bean, get a bean.3、不可不信,不可全信。Don

  • [句子]英语作文用谚语

    英语作文用谚语,谚语大全,1、不为失败找借口,要为成功找方法。Instead of making excuses for failure, find ways to succeed.2、木受绳则直,金就砺则利。Wood is straightened by rope, while gold is beneficiary.3、

  • [句子]英语作文用谚语

    英语作文用谚语,谚语大全,1、不为失败找借口,要为成功找方法。Instead of making excuses for failure, find ways to succeed.2、木受绳则直,金就砺则利。Wood is straightened by rope, while gold is beneficiary.3、

  • [句子]英语谚语类作文

    英语谚语类作文,谚语大全,1、宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。Better be bitter than shameful.2、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。An inch of time and an inch of gold make it difficult to buy an inch of time.3、千里之堤,溃于蚁

  • [句子]英语作文万能谚语

    英语作文万能谚语,谚语大全,1、脚正不怕鞋歪,心正不怕雷打。Foot is not afraid of shoe crooked, heart is not afraid of thunder.2、走路怕暴雨,说话怕输理。Walk afraid of rainstorm, talk afraid of failure.3、三个

  • [句子]作文常考哲理英文谚语

    作文常考哲理英文谚语,谚语大全,1、车有车道,马有马路。Cars have lanes and horses have roads.2、点灯爱油,耕田爱牛。Lighting loves oil, farming loves cattle.3、良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。Good medicine is good for the

  • [句子]高中英语作文中谚语

    高中英语作文中谚语,谚语大全,1、不为失败找借口,要为成功找方法。Instead of making excuses for failure, find ways to succeed.2、王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。Wang Po sells melons and boasts of herself.3、坚持就是胜利。Persever

  • [句子]高考英语作文中常用的谚语

    高考英语作文中常用的谚语,谚语大全,1、丢掉现在,也就失去未来。If you lose the present, you lose the future.2、穷不一定思变,应该是思富思变。Poverty does not necessarily mean change, but should mean change.3、一知半解,害已

  • [句子]中高考常用英语谚语

    中高考常用英语谚语,谚语大全,1、闪光的未必都是金子。All that glitters is not gold.2、身正不怕影子斜。Stand straight and never mind if the shadow inclines.3、时间就是金钱。Time is money.4、语言是行动的反映。Language is

  • [句子]高中英语必备谚语

    高中英语必备谚语,谚语大全,1、付出不一定成功,放弃就一定失败。Pay is not necessarily successful, give up is bound to fail.2、万事先难后易。It's easy after all.3、快马加鞭,君为先,自古英雄出少年。Quick horse and whip
