保持良好心态英语谚语,谚语大全,1、一忍可以克百勇,一静可以制百动。One forbearance can overcome one hundred braves, one quiet can control one hundred movements.2、奋斗改变命运,梦想让我们与从不同。Struggle changes des
关于信心的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、相信自己行,是一种信念。Believing in yourself is a belief.2、天生我材必有用。Natural talent is useful.3、信心是命运的主宰。Confidence is the master of fate.4、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。Self-conf
虚荣心的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、虚荣是灾祸的根源。Vanity is the root of disaster.2、爱名声是最强的虚荣心。Fame is the greatest vanity.3、每个人的虚荣心是和他的愚蠢的程度相等的。Everyone's vanity is equal to his stupidi
鼓励人的谚语用英语,谚语大全,1、成功的秘诀,在永不改变既定的目的。The secret of success is never to change the purpose.2、你不怕困难困难就怕你。You are not afraid of difficulties, you are afraid of difficultie
鼓励人的谚语用英语,谚语大全,1、成功的秘诀,在永不改变既定的目的。The secret of success is never to change the purpose.2、你不怕困难困难就怕你。You are not afraid of difficulties, you are afraid of difficultie
英语的谚语鼓励,谚语大全,1、天下无难事,惟坚忍二字,为成功之要诀。Nothing is difficult in the world, but perseverance is the key to success.2、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。Anger is punishing oneself for what o
英语鼓励谚语,谚语大全,1、比别人多一点志气,你就会多一份出息。If you have a little more ambition than others, you will have a better future.2、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。Success is not a matter of importa
英语鼓励谚语,谚语大全,1、比别人多一点志气,你就会多一份出息。If you have a little more ambition than others, you will have a better future.2、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。Success is not a matter of importa
鼓励别人的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves.2、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep ba
鼓励别人的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves.2、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep ba
英文鼓励谚语,谚语大全,1、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success.2、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。Intelligence comes from diligence, and genius comes fr
英文鼓励谚语,谚语大全,1、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success.2、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。Intelligence comes from diligence, and genius comes fr
鼓励的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。Success is not a matter of importance, but of effort.2、在获得成功之前,每个人都有自负的权利。Everyone has the right to conceit before he succeeds.3、本来无
鼓励人自信的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。People must have self-confidence, which is the secret of success.2、自信是成功的第一秘诀。Self-confidence is the first secret of success.3、信心能撑破口
关于收获的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、不付出劳动就不会有收获。There is no gain without labour.2、一分钟的成功,付出的代价却是好些年的失败。A minute of success costs years of failure.3、锲而不舍,金石可镂。Perseverance, stone can be
表示继续拼搏的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、立志在坚不在锐,成功在久不在速。The determination is not in the sharp, the success is not in the fast for a long time.2、停止奋斗,生命也就停止了。Stop fighting, and life stops.3
鼓励人努力的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、成功的秘诀,在于随时随地把握时机。The secret of success is to seize the opportunity whenever and wherever possible.2、拼命去争取成功,但不要期望一定会成功。Desperately strive for succes
鼓励人努力的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、成功的秘诀,在于随时随地把握时机。The secret of success is to seize the opportunity whenever and wherever possible.2、拼命去争取成功,但不要期望一定会成功。Desperately strive for succes
让人要努力的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、凡是自强不息者,最终都会成功。Those who constantly strive for self-improvement will succeed in the end.2、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。April showers bring May flowers.3、疾风知劲草,烈火
有关努力的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成绣花针。As long as the work is deep, the pestle is ground into embroidery needle.2、只要路子对,不要怕摔跤。As long as the way is right, don't be afrai