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  • [句子]学校中英文标语

    学校中英文标语,学校标语,1、学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。School is the place of study, civilization is the foundation of success.2、教育的目的是学会做人,学会做事。The purpose of education is to learn to be

  • [语录]表示感谢的英语短语

    表示感谢的英语短语,经典语录,1、滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。患难见真知,谢谢你帮我度过难关!Dripping grace, Yongquan phase when I reported. Thank you for helping me out of trouble!2、感谢你真诚地携手送给我更多的温柔,往事无须频频回首,爱神

  • [语录]表示感谢的话英文

    表示感谢的话英文,经典语录,1、感谢您对我的帮助,我的成长全赖您的支持与鼓励,您永远的幸福是我一生最大的心愿,愿好人一生平安!Thank you for helping me, I grew up with your support and encouragement, you forever happy is my grea

  • [句子]学校宣传标语英汉通用的英语句子

    学校宣传标语英汉通用的英语句子,学校标语,1、读书志在成材,为学心存家国。Reading is good, learning is home.2、安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。Safety aphorism thousands of bars, safety first note.3、书卷之香飘校园,文明之魂留心中。The book X

  • [句子]英文结婚誓言唯美句子

    英文结婚誓言唯美句子,唯美的句子,1、山川河流可以使人与人互相阻隔,却无法将心与心阻隔,无论你走到天涯海角,我的心永远陪伴着你。Mountains and rivers can block people from each other, but they can't block heart from heart. No ma

  • [句子]表达想念的英文句子

    表达想念的英文句子,经典句子,1、想你,拥有奋斗和存在的勇气,因为有你的牵引激励,懂得生命的意义。Think of you, have the courage to struggle and to exist, because you have the traction, motivation, understand the m

  • [句子]旅游英语句子

    旅游英语句子,经典句子,1、生活是一段奇妙的旅行,就在那一去无返的火车上。与那些新人和旧人们共同经历吧!也许这就是一个人无法抗拒的命运,有你有我也有他。Life is a wonderful journey, on the train that never returns. Experience with the new

  • [句子]表达思念的英语句子

    表达思念的英语句子,经典句子,1、你把花的形象留下,你把花的芬芳留下,你把我们共同浇灌的希望留下。想起你,我的岁月永远鲜艳,永远芳菲。You leave the image of flowers, you leave the fragrance of flowers, and you leave our hope of wate

  • [句子]表达思念的英文句子

    表达思念的英文句子,经典句子,1、好想牵着你的手,幸福道路一起走;好想搂着你的腰,从此快乐又逍遥;好想亲亲你的脸,我们相伴到永远!Want to hold your hand, happy road together walk; want to hug your waist, from now on happy and free

  • [名言]世界名人名言精选英文

    世界名人名言精选英文,英语名言,1、正如每一条金镂是宝贵的,每一刻时间也是宝贵的。——梅森Just as every piece of gold is precious, so is every moment of time.2、在命运的颠沛中,最可以看出人们的气节。——莎士比亚Am

  • [名言]世界名人名言精选英文

    世界名人名言精选英文,英语名言,1、正如每一条金镂是宝贵的,每一刻时间也是宝贵的。——梅森Just as every piece of gold is precious, so is every moment of time.2、在命运的颠沛中,最可以看出人们的气节。——莎士比亚Am

  • [名言]世界名人名言精选英文

    世界名人名言精选英文,英语名言,1、正如每一条金镂是宝贵的,每一刻时间也是宝贵的。——梅森Just as every piece of gold is precious, so is every moment of time.2、在命运的颠沛中,最可以看出人们的气节。——莎士比亚Am

  • [名言]世界名人名言精选英文

    世界名人名言精选英文,英语名言,1、正如每一条金镂是宝贵的,每一刻时间也是宝贵的。——梅森Just as every piece of gold is precious, so is every moment of time.2、在命运的颠沛中,最可以看出人们的气节。——莎士比亚Am

  • [句子]表达感谢的英文句子

    表达感谢的英文句子,经典句子,1、感谢你关切地注视我在人生道路上不断迈进,用友谊启发我对未来的追求。Thank you for your interest in watching me move on the road of life and inspire me with friendship in the pursuit o

  • [句子]表达不舍的句子英语

    表达不舍的句子英语,经典句子,1、人生有初见,相识,就一定会有离别。可是,这样的离别,还是出乎了我们所有人的意料。Life is first sight, acquaintance, there must be parting. However, such a departure, or contrary to all of u

  • [句子]关于邂逅的英文句子

    关于邂逅的英文句子,经典句子,1、那邂逅是最美的意外,蓦然一想,不对,我们自己就是这温馨画面中的风景。That encounter is the most beautiful accident, suddenly think, no, we are the scenery in this warm picture.2、遇到你,是

  • [句子]表达心情的英语句子

    表达心情的英语句子,经典句子,1、不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得。Not because I am persistent, but because you are worth it.2、回忆淹没我们,时间拆散我们。Memories drown us, time breaks us.3、走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。Go your

  • [句子]表达伤心的英文句子

    表达伤心的英文句子,伤感的句子,1、是梦总会碎,是心总会累。Dreams are broken, hearts are always tired.2、最近访客,已经很久没有你了。Recent visitors have been without you for a long time.3、她一贯很忠实,连死也不假装。She has

  • [语录]毕业赠言给同学英文

    毕业赠言给同学英文,经典语录,1、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,是往日欢乐的终结,未来幸福的开端。Meet and farewell, sail and off shore, is the end of past joy, the beginning of happiness in the future.2、生活如一条长河,愿你是一叶

  • [句子]英语唯美爱情短句

    英语唯美爱情短句,爱情的句子,1、爱上一个人容易,等平淡了后,还坚守那份诺言,就不容易了。It's easy to fall in love with someone, but it's not easy to stick to that promise when it's flat.2、在爱的世界里,没
