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qq英文个性签名大全,QQ个性签名,1、我愿意赌上所有时光,只爱你一个。I am willing to bet on all the time, only love you a.2、走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。Go your own way, let others take a taxi.3、那些老套的情歌,述說著那個年代。Those
qq炫舞心情记录英文,说说心情短语,1、时光模糊了我们的身影,于是我们渐行渐远。Time blurred our shadow, so we're far away.2、我们终于可以用陌生人的关系,一辈子在一起了。We can finally use the relationship between strangers, a
qq英语个性签名女生,女生个性签名,1、我只想要简简单单,憨憨厚厚的爱情。I just want a simple, Hanhan thick love.2、离开你我过得很好,假装一切都很好。To leave you, I had a very good, pretend that everything is good.3、花一样的女
qq网名女生励志英文,女生个性签名,1、Honoria°2、堇幻、poison3、s⒈o 簡愛4、Kiss┄baby。5、南城style6、A monologue.7、兇鏡 |▍The mirror8、Day Dream °9、▍ocelot10、耀眼 Dreams▼11、Loading...12、SUPERman _
qq网名女生伤感英文,女生个性签名,1、sund 泪痕℡2、Crazy丶记忆。3、sadden4、╰—Crayon5、▍Me-未成年6、ゞ Promise You7、après 后来8、七巧玲珑心heart9、黑暗coverら10、°Destiny11、Remember°12、Honoria&
qq说说心情英语,说说心情短语,1、就这样一个夏天,淡忘了关于你的一切。Just like this one summer, forgotten all about you.2、忘了曾经爱过谁,慢慢习惯了寂寞相随。Forget who loved, slowly accustomed to loneliness.3、让漂泊得爱情、
qq说说大全英文,个性说说,1、每个人心里,都住着这么一个人,遥远的爱着。Everyone in the heart, are living such a person, distant love.2、每天牵强的笑给谁看,谁都不懂我内心的感受。Every smile far fetched to see who, who do
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qq说说英文,个性说说,1、当你觉得累的时候,是因为你在人生的上坡路上。When you feel tired, it is because you are on the way of life.2、在爱情中,女人往往比男人更擅长等待。In love, women tend to be better than men.3、
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qq签名英语带翻译,QQ个性签名,1、曾经的美好回忆,再也回不来了。Once the good memories, never come back.2、我从来不自欺欺人。我只看真实。I never told you. I only see the truth.3、不是风动,不是幡动,是仁者心动。Not the wind, not s
qq签名英文小清新可爱,QQ个性签名,1、一个人孤独到,连听歌都感觉吵。A person to feel lonely, even listening to loud.2、童话故事已结束,剩下旳却只有悲伤。The fairy tale has ended, the rest is only sad.3、难过,连哭的觉得孤单。Sad, e
qq签名英文带翻译短句,QQ个性签名,1、留不下的,就把它从生命干净抽离。Can't keep it from life.2、人是不是都这么贱,分手后还想念。People are not so cheap, but also miss after breaking up.3、我璀璨的青春,在你的掌心颠沛流离。I have bri
qq签名英文版,QQ个性签名,1、把我的诗写给你看,写最美的故事。Write my poems to you, write the most beautiful story.2、我不能从我的脑子里删除你的画面。I can't delete your picture from my mind.3、沉默不说谎话,不是退让。S
qq签名女生英文,女生个性签名,1、其实深拥,比什么都温暖。In fact, deep hug, than anything warm.2、我设想的每一种未来都有你。Every kind of future I imagine has you.3、有时候一个人挺好,除了孤单点。Sometimes a person is very
qq昵称女生英文爱情,女生个性签名,1、That person. 那个人。2、Ninety丶所谓爱情。3、黑色指甲油Speechless4、幽魅 |▍A foreboding5、Excuses. 借口。6、烟熏妆 ▲~strangers7、Curiosity. 好奇心。8、Oh、儍曉銘9、Superstition. 迷
qq昵称女生英文爱情,女生个性签名,1、That person. 那个人。2、Ninety丶所谓爱情。3、黑色指甲油Speechless4、幽魅 |▍A foreboding5、Excuses. 借口。6、烟熏妆 ▲~strangers7、Curiosity. 好奇心。8、Oh、儍曉銘9、Superstition. 迷
qq励志说说英文,经典说说,1、走好自己的路,让别人说去。Go your own way, let others say.2、只有放下那些无谓的负担,我们才能一路潇洒前行。Only put down those unnecessary burden, we can go all the way.3、最好的节约是珍惜时间,最大的
非主流qq英文签名,QQ个性签名,1、最心疼的不是你不爱我,而是我不知道怎么爱你。The most distressed is not you don't love me, but I don't know how to love you.2、女人,恋爱的时候,就像,与世隔绝般。Woman, when in love