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  • [名言]英语作文名言

    英语作文名言,英语名言,1、知识就是力量。——培根Knowledge is power.2、一个人失败的原因,在于本身性格的缺点,与环境无关。——毛佛鲁The causes of failure of a person, lies in the character of it

  • [名言]英语心情名言

    英语心情名言,英语名言,1、原来爱情可以跨越时间的海。The love can cross the sea of time.2、牵你的手,静静的教你一支舞。Hold your hand, quiet teach you dance.3、不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。No matter how long the night,

  • [名言]英语四级作文名人名言

    英语四级作文名人名言,英语名言,1、人生一世,草木一秋。——冯梦龙Life is a life time, plant an autumn.2、事业是理念和实践的生动统一。——亚里士多德Cause vivid idea and practice is unified.3、青年时鲁莽,

  • [名言]英语关于人生的名言

    英语关于人生的名言,英语名言,1、为别人照亮道路,自己必须放出光茫。Illuminates the path for others, oneself must emit light.2、靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑,只有自己最可靠。Backer mountain would pour, by everybody will be run

  • [格言]英语警句格言摘抄大全

    英语警句格言摘抄大全,英语格言,1、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。Observe the successful, don't always focus on the losers.2、你用一百分的努力和成功做交换,没有不成交的。You use a percentage exchange, efforts and suc

  • [名言]英语名言带翻译

    英语名言带翻译,英语名言,1、把自己当傻瓜,不懂就问,你会学的更多。Make a fool of yourself, don't understand asked, you will learn more.2、追逐梦想的过程或许是艰难的,但我绝不后悔。The process of chasing the dream

  • [名言]英语名言翻译

    英语名言翻译,英语名言,1、老鼠嘲笑猫的时候,身旁必有一个洞。When a mouse laughs at a cat, there must be a hole beside.2、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。A true friend is the one who holds your hand and to

  • [名言]珍惜时间英语名言

    珍惜时间英语名言,英语名言,1、我放下钢笔,轻轻地合上我的日记,整个一年就这样在一个午后被我轻轻地合上,结束了。I put down my pen, gently close my diary, and so the year on an afternoon gently closed by me, over.2、忘掉今天的人

  • [名言]珍惜时间英语名言

    珍惜时间英语名言,英语名言,1、我放下钢笔,轻轻地合上我的日记,整个一年就这样在一个午后被我轻轻地合上,结束了。I put down my pen, gently close my diary, and so the year on an afternoon gently closed by me, over.2、忘掉今天的人

  • [格言]珍惜时间的英语格言

    珍惜时间的英语格言,英语格言,1、最浪费不起的是时间。Is the most can't afford to waste time.2、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。Wasting time is a great sin.3、最忙的人有最多的时间。Busiest men find the most time.4、一万年太久,只争

  • [格言]珍惜时间的英语格言

    珍惜时间的英语格言,英语格言,1、最浪费不起的是时间。Is the most can't afford to waste time.2、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。Wasting time is a great sin.3、最忙的人有最多的时间。Busiest men find the most time.4、一万年太久,只争

  • [格言]珍惜时间英语格言

    珍惜时间英语格言,英语格言,1、如果有什么需要明天做的事,最好现在就开始。If you have any need to do tomorrow, had better start now.2、我就担心丧失机会。不抓呀,看到的机会就丢掉了,时间一晃就过去了。I'm worried about the loss of o

  • [格言]珍惜时间英语格言

    珍惜时间英语格言,英语格言,1、如果有什么需要明天做的事,最好现在就开始。If you have any need to do tomorrow, had better start now.2、我就担心丧失机会。不抓呀,看到的机会就丢掉了,时间一晃就过去了。I'm worried about the loss of o

  • [名言]珍爱生命的名言英文版

    珍爱生命的名言英文版,英语名言,1、人生的最高理想是为人民谋利益。The highest ideal of life is for the interests for the people.2、生命,那是自然付给人类去雕琢的宝石。Life, it is natural to humans to carve stone.3、生命不等

  • [名言]珍爱生命英语名言

    珍爱生命英语名言,英语名言,1、我总觉得,生命本身应该有一种意义,我们绝不是白白来一场的。I always think, life itself should have a sense, we are by no means nothing to a.2、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。Reasonable arrangemen

  • [格言]阅读的英语格言

    阅读的英语格言,英语格言,1、阅读是一种救赎。Reading is a kind of redemption.2、阅读是最好的陪伴。Reading is the best friend.3、愿阅读变成一种习惯!Let reading become a habit!4、阅读应该是一种享受。Reading should be a

  • [名言]雨果英文名言翻译

    雨果英文名言翻译,英语名言,1、衰老是从眼睛开始的。Aging starts from the eye.2、理想是具有冒险性的。Ideal is a risk.3、痛苦总是守在欢乐旁边。Pain is always keep beside the joy.4、人生是花,而爱是花蜜。Life is a flower, and l

  • [名言]有关爱的英语名言

    有关爱的英语名言,英语名言,1、爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事。Love is two people thing, marriage is two family things.2、是谁将流年错落成诗,又是谁将爱情剥落成往事。Who will have strewn at random into poetry, and w

  • [名言]有关爱情的英文名言

    有关爱情的英文名言,英语名言,1、爱情是一种理想,很难得到,也很容易错过。Love is a kind of ideal, are hard to come by, it is easy to miss.2、有人追求女人的爱情,是为了把她抛在脑后,不再去想她。Some people the pursuit of a woman&

  • [格言]英语格言集锦

    英语格言集锦,英语格言,1、如果你不能从过去学到什么,那么过去就没有真的过去。What if you can't learn from the past, the past is not really in the past.2、艰苦是面临,挫折是经验,努力是桥梁,成功是彼岸。Hard is facing, fru
