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  3. wind专题
  • [句子]英语唯美谚语名言

    英语唯美谚语名言,谚语大全,1、学问勤中得,富裕俭中来。Academic diligence leads to wealth and thrift.2、旱刮东风不下雨,涝刮东风不开天。Drought blows east wind without rain, waterlogging blows east wind witho

  • [句子]英文谚语很美

    英文谚语很美,谚语大全,1、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。The grace of dripping water should be reported by the gushing spring.2、撑死能的,饿死熊的。He who can support death, starves the bear.3、一理通,百理融。One

  • [句子]英语的拟人句

    英语的拟人句,拟人句,1、月亮总是那么皎洁明亮,所以人们便用各种各样的词汇赞美它,时间一长,月亮就骄傲起来。The moon is always so bright and bright, so people praise it with all kinds of words. As time goes on, the

  • [句子]英语谚语俗语

    英语谚语俗语,谚语大全,1、吃饭吃米,说话说理。Eat rice for dinner and make sense.2、北云南逃,大风随到。North Yunnan fled with strong winds.3、要想身体健,就得天天练。If you want to be healthy, you have to pr

  • [句子]英语里的谚语

    英语里的谚语,谚语大全,1、吃米带点糠,营养又健康。Eat rice with bran, nutritious and healthy.2、吃面多喝汤,免得开药方。Eat more noodles and drink more soup to avoid prescribing.3、恶有恶报,善有善报。Evil is r

  • [句子]家喻户晓的英文谚语

    家喻户晓的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人在苦中炼,刀在石上磨。Man refines in bitterness, and knives grind on stones.2、天下呒难事,只怕有心人。The world is so hard, just for those who have a heart.3、交人交心,浇花浇根。Ma

  • [句子]与夏天相关的谚语英文翻译

    与夏天相关的谚语英文翻译,谚语大全,1、节气到立夏,就把小苗挖。When the solar term comes to summer, dig the seedlings.2、要想吃小米,谷子羊屙屎。Want to eat millet, millet sheep shit.3、夏至东风摇,麦子坐水牢。The summer sols

  • [句子]夏天的英语谚语

    夏天的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、大暑热得慌,四个月无霜。The heat panicked and there was no frost for four months.2、立夏前后,种瓜点豆。Around the beginning of summer, plant melons and beans.3、夏至闷热汛来早。Th

  • [句子]英语关于夏天的谚语

    英语关于夏天的谚语,谚语大全,1、夏天一碗绿豆汤,解毒去暑赛仙方。In summer, a bowl of mung bean soup is used to detoxify and go to Xiusai Xianfang.2、一穗两穗,一月入囤。One ear, two ears, and one month.3、夏至落

  • [句子]四季谚语的英文

    四季谚语的英文,谚语大全,1、雨后生东风,未来雨更凶。East wind comes after rain, and the rain will be even worse in the future.2、雨前有风雨不久,雨后无风雨不停。Not long before the rain, there was no wind

  • [句子]四季的英语谚语

    四季的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、过了冬长一葱,过了年长块田。After winter, one onion grows and another field grows.2、日落胭脂红,非雨便是风。Sunset carmine, rain or wind.3、六月到,卖棉被,买灰料。June arrives, selling q

  • [句子]关于四季的英语谚语

    关于四季的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、河里浮青苔,毕有大雨来。The moss floats in the river and there is a heavy rain.2、早晚烟扑地,苍天有雨意。Sooner or later, the sky is rainy.3、冬至不过六,罗卜青菜也变肉。During the winter

  • [句子]四季谚语英语

    四季谚语英语,谚语大全,1、快雨快晴,快雪快晴。Quick rain, quick snow, quick sunshine.2、晴天不见山,下雨三五天。It rains for three or five days.3、机器用罢跟检修,日后再用就顺手。The machine should be removed from

  • [句子]英文拟人句

    英文拟人句,拟人句,1、夏日雨后,荷花向着太阳展开笑脸。After the summer rain, the lotus smiles at the sun.2、小狗一边摇着尾巴一边跳着舞向主人跑去。The dog danced to its master while wagging its tail.3、秋风一是位典

  • [句子]英语拟人句

    英语拟人句,拟人句,1、飞来飞去的蝴蝶就像仙女跳舞那样迷人。Flying butterflies are as charming as fairies dancing.2、小虫子急忙地往前爬到树荫下乘凉。The insect rushed forward into the shade of the tree to en

  • [句子]秋天的谚语英语

    秋天的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、立秋栽葱,白露栽蒜。Planting onions in autumn and garlic in dew.2、立秋无雨是空秋,万物历来一半收。The autumn without rain is empty, and everything has always been half harves

  • [句子]气象英语谚语

    气象英语谚语,谚语大全,1、雨后起东风,未来雨更凶。Eastern wind comes after rain, and the rain will be even worse in the future.2、早阴阴,晚阴晴,半夜阴天不到明。It's cloudy in the morning and sunny

  • [句子]气象谚语英语

    气象谚语英语,谚语大全,1、云自东北起,必有风和雨。Clouds from the northeast, there must be wind and rain.2、西北起黑云,雷雨必来临。Black clouds rise in the northwest and thunderstorms are bound to c

  • [句子]物理英语谚语

    物理英语谚语,谚语大全,1、小称砣压千斤。Small weights press jacks.2、软也是水,硬也是水。Soft is water, hard is water.3、冰冻三尽,非一日之寒。It's not cold in a day.4、早虹雨滴滴,晚虹晒脸皮。Early rainbow raindr

  • [句子]节气英文谚语

    节气英文谚语,谚语大全,1、早雨晚晴,晚雨一天淋。Early rain, late sunshine, late rain one day.2、小暑凉飕飕,大暑热熬熬。Little summer is chilly, big summer is hot.3、六月下连阴,遍地出黄金。In June, even cloudy,
