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  • [短信]圣诞英文祝福语短

    圣诞英文祝福语短,圣诞节短信,1、新年开启希望,祝你好事成双。New Year opens up hope. I wish you good things in pairs.2、愿你的快乐像城堡一样越垒越高,愿你能吉祥幸福一直到老。May your happiness rise and rise like a castle, a

  • [短信]圣诞快乐祝福语英文

    圣诞快乐祝福语英文,圣诞节短信,1、祝你圣诞快乐,好运连连。Merry Christmas and good luck.2、圣诞节,在圣诞树下许愿,愿你快乐安康!Christmas, wish under the Christmas tree, wish you happy and healthy!3、愿好运永远把你呵护,愿你一生

  • [短信]圣诞节祝福语英语

    圣诞节祝福语英语,圣诞节短信,1、平安夜祝你幸福如意,圣诞节祝你快乐无比!Christmas Eve wishes you happiness and Christmas wishes you happiness!2、灿烂阳光耀辉煌,愿你圣诞吉安康!Brilliant sunshine and brilliant, may yo

  • [短信]结婚祝福语英文版

    结婚祝福语英文版,结婚短信,1、祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!I wish you all the best for a hundred years. Happy new marriage, sweet!2、我希望这是你们美好生活的开始。I hope this is the beginning of a bet

  • [短信]新婚祝福语英语版

    新婚祝福语英语版,结婚短信,1、祝愿新婚幸福,真心相爱到永远!Wish the newlyweds happiness, sincere love forever!2、愿以后的每个日子都像今日这般喜悦、幸福!May every day in the future be as happy and happy as it is t

  • [短信]六一祝福语英语版

    六一祝福语英语版,儿童节短信,1、儿童节,愿你童心不老,快乐依旧,幸福永在,儿童节快乐!Children's Day, I wish you a child's heart is not old, happy still, happiness forever, happy Children's Day!2

  • [短信]五一节的祝福语英语

    五一节的祝福语英语,劳动节短信,1、五一劳动节就要到了,愿劳动着的人们都能财富猛增!May Labor Day is approaching. May all the people who work have a great increase in their wealth!2、愿你劳动节日里,吉祥快乐身边绕!Wishing yo

  • [短信]五一节祝福语英语

    五一节祝福语英语,劳动节短信,1、祝你劳动过后身体棒,假期过后精神旺。I wish you good health after work and good spirits after vacation.2、劳动节快乐,祝福朋友:花开不败,劳有所获!Happy Labor Day, bless friends: Flowers b

  • [句子]感谢的英语句子

    感谢的英语句子,经典句子,1、早就想感谢你,但是一直不好意思说出口,给您发条短信,感谢你的帮助,爱护。I'd like to thank you for a long time, but I've been embarrassed to say it, send you a short message, th

  • [短信]生孩子祝福语英文

    生孩子祝福语英文,经典短信,1、恭喜!恭喜!在当爸爸后的高兴之余,别忘记给爱人多一点体贴!Congratulations! Congratulations! Don't forget to be more considerate to your lover when your dad is happy in the f

  • [短信]生孩子祝福语英文

    生孩子祝福语英文,经典短信,1、恭喜!恭喜!在当爸爸后的高兴之余,别忘记给爱人多一点体贴!Congratulations! Congratulations! Don't forget to be more considerate to your lover when your dad is happy in the f

  • [短信]英语生孩子祝福语

    英语生孩子祝福语,经典短信,1、馨香传来麟儿啼声,积善之家有福,岁岁年年!Sweet fragrance comes the cry of Lin Er, blessed is the home of good, year after year!2、养儿子任重而道远,加倍努力啊!It's a long way to g

  • [短信]端午节英文版祝福语

    端午节英文版祝福语,端午节短信,1、端午佳节挂艾叶,愿我们的爱直到天荒地老。Dragon Boat Festival hangs mugwort leaf, wish our love till the end of the world.2、愿你在端午节,粽是开心,粽是快乐,粽是好运,粽是幸福,粽是健康。May you be ha

  • [短信]端午节英文版祝福语

    端午节英文版祝福语,端午节短信,1、端午佳节挂艾叶,愿我们的爱直到天荒地老。Dragon Boat Festival hangs mugwort leaf, wish our love till the end of the world.2、愿你在端午节,粽是开心,粽是快乐,粽是好运,粽是幸福,粽是健康。May you be ha

  • [短信]中秋节祝福语英文版

    中秋节祝福语英文版,中秋节短信,1、秋风清,秋月明,相思相见,知何日?祝中秋节快乐!The autumn breeze is clear, the autumn moon is bright, Acacia meets, know when? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!2、雪花啤酒:开心有理由,一次吃两个

  • [短信]中秋节祝福语英语

    中秋节祝福语英语,中秋节短信,1、明月伴君行千里,丝丝月光如我心。The moon travels thousands of miles with you, and the moonlight shines like my heart.2、又一个丹桂飘香的季节,思念在这一刻凝聚,祝愿我的朋友在这个中秋节幸福!Another fr

  • [短信]早安英语祝福语大全

    早安英语祝福语大全,经典短信,1、秋是一种成熟的味道,雨是我思念的味道,幸福是围绕在你身边的味道。朋友,祝你幸福。Autumn is a mature taste, rain is the taste of my missing, happiness is around the taste of your side. Frien

  • [短信]教师节的英语祝福语

    教师节的英语祝福语,教师节短信,1、您的学识让我们钦佩,您的为人让我们折服,您的节日让上我们共同庆祝!老师,节日快乐!Your knowledge makes us admire, your people make us admire, your festival lets us celebrate together! Happy

  • [短信]给公司祝福语英文

    给公司祝福语英文,经典短信,1、顺应时代潮流,把握正确方向,坚持同舟共济,寻求共同发展。We should conform to the trend of the times, grasp the correct direction, persist in working together in the same boat a

  • [短信]鸡年大吉祝福语英语

    鸡年大吉祝福语英语,春节短信,1、亲爱的朋友,新年到了,祝你像神犬一样头脑聪明、行动机灵、体态轻盈。Dear friends, the New Year is coming. I wish you as smart as a God dog, smart in action and light in body.2、新春到来喜事多
