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  • [句子]爱心英语谚语

    爱心英语谚语,谚语大全,1、奉献您的爱心,成就孩子梦想。Dedicate your love and fulfill your children's dreams.2、施乐会,将您的爱心全部注入需要的人身上。Oxfam, pour all your love into those who need it.3、让爱的

  • [句子]爱心的英文谚语

    爱心的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、献出一份爱心,温暖世间真情。Give a love, warm the world's true feelings.2、你我多一份慈善,城市多一份和谐。You and I have more charity, more harmony in the city.3、博施康乐e点通,日行一善

  • [句子]优美爱情谚语英文

    优美爱情谚语英文,谚语大全,1、美能激发人的感情,爱情净化人的心灵。Beauty can stimulate people's feelings and love can purify people's hearts.2、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。Love is not a charity, so y

  • [签名]英文句子简短霸气签名

    英文句子简短霸气签名,超拽个性签名,1、我能遇见你,也能送走你。I can meet you and send you off.2、女孩子要先环游世界,再去拥抱爱情。Girls have to travel around the world before embracing love.3、因为早上和被窝分手,现在被窝对我十分冰冷。Be

  • [句子]比较有深意的英文句子

    比较有深意的英文句子,经典句子,1、曾经以为,伤心是会流眼泪的,原来,真正的伤心,是怎么也流不出一滴眼泪。Once thought, sadness will shed tears, the original, real sadness, how can not shed a tear.2、生活中本就充满了失望,不是所有的等待都能

  • [句子]表达伤心的句子英文

    表达伤心的句子英文,伤感的句子,1、爱情如同野兽,吞没现实的我们。Love is like a beast, swallowing up the reality of us.2、倾心倾情倾了所有,听心碎的声音。Listen to heartbreaking voices.3、一句对不起,太沉重!我承担不起。A word of so

  • [句子]让对方看到心疼的英语句子

    让对方看到心疼的英语句子,伤感的句子,1、最冷一天,因为找不到你。The coldest day, because I can't find you.2、可爱谁来买单,悲伤谁来掩埋。Lovely who pays, sad who buries.3、不是什么人都可以一起走到最后。Not everyone can come to

  • [句子]英文句子唯美简短虐心

    英文句子唯美简短虐心,伤感的句子,1、短亭短,红尘辗,我把萧再叹。Short pavilion, red dust, I sigh Xiao again.2、一件东西一旦拥有,便马上贬值。Once a thing is owned, it immediately depreciates.3、我们经历了甜蜜,可是经不起平淡。We

  • [句子]心碎到撕心裂肺的英语句子

    心碎到撕心裂肺的英语句子,伤感的句子,1、心里有就有,心里没有就没有。There is something in your heart, there is nothing in your heart.2、我比任何一个人,都希望你幸福。I hope you are happier than anyone else.3、迷路在森林里,等待这

  • [句子]优美英语句子古风

    优美英语句子古风,经典句子,1、三千世界鸦杀尽,与君共寝到天明。Three thousand world ravens are killed, and they sleep with you till dawn.2、问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许。What is love when it comes to the world?

  • [句子]英语古风唯美句子

    英语古风唯美句子,唯美的句子,1、我愿陪你枯骨成双,作别这场曲散人凉。I would like to accompany you into a pair of dead bones, farewell to this song scattered cool.2、新知遭薄俗,旧好隔良缘。New knowledge suffers

  • [句子]英语唯美短句

    英语唯美短句,唯美的句子,1、以后要好好照顾自己,虽然我不在你身边。Take good care of yourself in the future, although I am not with you.2、如若你是我的心尖人枕边人,最后必定是我的同棺人。If you are the pillow man of my he

  • [句子]经典的英文句子简短

    经典的英文句子简短,经典句子,1、爱情本来就不公平,没必要去抱怨什么。Love is not fair, there is no need to complain.2、为你付出这么多,喜欢我会死么爱人。Give you so much, like I will die lover.3、但愿你只是迟到,而不是迷了路拐了个弯走向了别

  • [句子]英文唯美句子带翻译

    英文唯美句子带翻译,唯美的句子,1、苍白无力的述说,只是在狡辩而已。The pale and powerless statement is only a cunning one.2、真正的爱情,不是一见钟情,而是日久生情。True love is not love at first sight, but love over tim

  • [句子]一句英文心情签名短句

    一句英文心情签名短句,经典句子,1、不能使你发奋的爱,不如不爱。It's better not to love than not to love.2、曾经陪在你身边的是别人,如今亦不是我。What used to accompany you was someone else, and now it's not me

  • [句子]英文爱情超短句

    英文爱情超短句,爱情的句子,1、也许我的故事不够煽情,但足够动人。Maybe my story is not emotional enough, but it's moving enough.2、我们都欠彼此一句表白,但时光不再给我们机会。We all owe each other a confession, but

  • [句子]唯美爱情英文句子简短

    唯美爱情英文句子简短,爱情的句子,1、世界真小,走到哪都能碰到你。命运说,这是缘分。The world is so small that you can be met everywhere. Fate says, this is fate.2、问问自己,做了那么多不开心的事情到底是为了刺激谁?Ask yourself, who di

  • [句子]唯美的英文句子带翻译

    唯美的英文句子带翻译,唯美的句子,1、很多年前你用一个笑买断了我的一生。Many years ago you bought my life with a smile.2、失恋的人虽各不相同,但仰望星空却是唯一的不约而同。Although lovelorn people are different, but looking up at

  • [句子]一句英文简短情话唯美

    一句英文简短情话唯美,表白的句子,1、依昔往梦似曾见,心内波澜现。抛开世事断愁怨,相伴到天边。Dreams seem to have been seen in the past, and waves appear in the heart. Set aside the grief of the world, accompanied

  • [句子]撩妹必学的英文句子

    撩妹必学的英文句子,表白的句子,1、人生有情泪沾衣,江水江花岂终极?Life is full of love and tears. Is it the end of rivers and rivers?2、我努力追逐着你的步伐,只是为了与你稍稍近一步感受你的气息。I'm trying to catch up with yo
