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  3. August专题
  • [句子]关于中秋节的英语谚语

    关于中秋节的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、好中秋,好稳稻。Good Mid-Autumn Festival, good stable rice.2、人逢喜事尤其乐,月到中秋分外明。People are especially happy at happy events, especially in the Mid-Autumn Festi

  • [句子]中秋谚语英语

    中秋谚语英语,谚语大全,1、八月中秋雨,节后雨水多。In August, it rains in the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the festival, it rains a lot.2、今宵年尾,明日年头,年年年尾接年头。At the end of this evening, tomor

  • [句子]中秋英语手抄报谚语

    中秋英语手抄报谚语,谚语大全,1、八月十五,听香食芋。On August 15, listen to sweet potatoes.2、八月十五月正南,瓜果石榴列满盘。In the south of August 15, melon and fruit pomegranates filled the plate.3、过了中秋暗暝

  • [句子]关于蔬菜的谚语英语

    关于蔬菜的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、夏至不刨蒜,蒜在泥里烂。The summer solstice does not shave garlic, garlic rots in the mud.2、立夏栽姜,夏到离娘。Limit summer and plant ginger, summer to leave mother.3、苹果

  • [句子]蔬菜谚语英文

    蔬菜谚语英文,谚语大全,1、飞扬花,种黄花。Flying flowers grow yellow flowers.2、立秋栽葱,白露栽蒜。Planting onions in autumn and garlic in dew.3、一块菜地七种花,不收这家收那家。There are seven kinds of flower

  • [句子]关于中秋节的英文谚语

    关于中秋节的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、八月十五月正南,瓜果石榴列满盘。In the south of August 15, melon and fruit pomegranates filled the plate.2、八月中秋雨,节后雨水多。In August, it rains in the Mid-Autumn Festiva

  • [句子]中秋节谚语英文

    中秋节谚语英文,谚语大全,1、八月中秋雨,节后雨水多。In August, it rains in the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the festival, it rains a lot.2、过了八月十五,家家关门闭户。After August 15, the house closed.3、月
