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  • [句子]关于兴趣的英文谚语

    关于兴趣的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、望经拜道,各有一好。Looking at the Sutra and worshipping the Tao, each has its own good.2、嗜之越笃,技巧越工。The more devoted you are, the more skilled you are.3、兴趣是最好

  • [句子]兴趣的英文谚语

    兴趣的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、成功的秘诀在于兴趣。The secret of success is interest.2、物聚于所好。Matter gathers where it pleases.3、穿衣戴帽,各有所好。Wear clothes and hats, each has its own preferences.

  • [句子]兴趣爱好的英语句子

    兴趣爱好的英语句子,经典句子,1、我爱书,它给了我快乐,给了我许多知识,让我忘记烦恼。I love books, they give me happiness, give me a lot of knowledge, let me forget my troubles.2、兴趣,在人生中似暗香浮过,在童年中似水流年。Intere

  • [名言]和兴趣有关的英语名言

    和兴趣有关的英语名言,英语名言,1、兴趣是种子,行动是果实。Interest is the seed, the action are the fruits.2、哪里没有兴趣,哪里就没有记忆。Where there is no interest, where there is no memory.3、天才就是强烈的兴趣和顽强的入迷。

  • [名言]关于兴趣的英语名言

    关于兴趣的英语名言,英语名言,1、天才就是强烈的兴趣和顽强的入迷。Genius is strong interest and strong fascination.2、学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方可得益。Learning must accord with their interests, just can benefit.3、商人
