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  • [名言]关于诚信的名言英文

    关于诚信的名言英文,英语名言,1、诚实永生不灭。Honest life eternal.2、坦诚是最明智的策略。Honest is the most sensible strategy.3、不信不立,不诚不行。Don't believe it or not, and if not.4、百种奸伪,不如一实。One hund

  • [句子]高中英语经典句子

    高中英语经典句子,经典句子,1、时光易逝。Time is fleeting.2、不必客气。Don't mention it.3、他正在开会。He is having a meeting.4、别这么谦虚。Don't be so modest.5、不要想当然。Don't take it for grante

  • [格言]英文谚语

    英文谚语,英语格言,1、宝剑锋从磨利出,梅花香自苦寒来。Bao jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom incense from Fairbanks.2、山高有攀头,路远有奔头。On the road is the mountain has climbed, has a l

  • [格言]英语励志格言名句

    英语励志格言名句,英语格言,1、做事不怕难,自无难人事。Do not afraid of difficult, since there is no difficult personnel.2、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。The secret of success is the target firm.3、人的坚强意志是不可战胜的

  • [语录]泰坦尼克号经典台词

    泰坦尼克号经典台词,经典语录,1、To make each day count。 要让每一天都有所值。2、Will you give us a chance to live? 能不能给我们留一条生路?3、All life is a game of luck。 生活本来就全靠运气。4、We're women。 Our ch
