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  • [句子]初中英语励志名言

    初中英语励志名言,励志名言,1、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。Confidence comes from strength and strength comes from diligence.2、遥远的将不再遥远,平凡的已不再平凡。Distant will no longer be far away, ordinary is

  • [名言]初中英语励志名言

    初中英语励志名言,励志名言,1、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。Confidence comes from strength and strength comes from diligence.2、遥远的将不再遥远,平凡的已不再平凡。Distant will no longer be far away, ordinary is

  • [句子]初中生英语句子

    初中生英语句子,经典句子,1、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves.2、摔倒并不要紧,我们需要的是站起来的勇气。It doesn't matter if we fall. What we need is co

  • [短信]搞笑祝福语英文

    搞笑祝福语英文,经典短信,1、以前让一个人消失,需要杀人藏尸。现在让一个人消失,只要问他什么时候还钱。Before letting a person disappear, we need to kill and hide the corpse. Now let a person disappear, just ask him

  • [名言]读书名言英语翻译

    读书名言英语翻译,英语名言,1、茫茫书海,寻获佳书,犹如浪里淘沙,沙中觅金。The vast sea of books, finding a good book, is like sand in the waves and gold in the sand.2、识字要读书,种地要养猪。Literacy requires rea

  • [句子]代表爱情的英文句子

    代表爱情的英文句子,爱情的句子,1、在爱情上,没有相互的忠诚,就没有相互的信任。In love, without mutual loyalty, there is no mutual trust.2、不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远。Love will not last long.3、从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假!Love fro

  • [句子]超短英语句子

    超短英语句子,经典句子,1、也许今天的平淡无奇,是明天最美好的回忆。Perhaps today's bland is the best memory of tomorrow.2、懂你的人,放心你,放心你的人,一定懂你。Understand you, rest assured that you, rest assur

  • [句子]适合纹身的英文短句

    适合纹身的英文短句,经典句子,1、世上无难事,只要人肯试。Nothing is difficult to a man if he tries.2、一息若存,希望不灭。If there is one breath, hope will never die.3、我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。I will greet this day

  • [句子]女生励志英文句子

    女生励志英文句子,励志的句子,1、为了明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.2、顺境为成功者铺设轨道,逆境为杰出者打造天梯。Prosperity makes tracks for successful people, a

  • [名言]拿破仑名言英文版

    拿破仑名言英文版,英语名言,1、留退路,就没有出路。There is no way out if there is a way out.2、你不必和敌人进行过多的缠斗,除非你要他们了解**的艺术。You don't have to fight with the enemy unless you want them to

  • [名言]拿破仑的名言英文版

    拿破仑的名言英文版,英语名言,1、我是我自己最大的敌人,也是自己不幸命运的起因。I am the greatest enemy of myself and the cause of my unhappy fate.2、世界会证明你的付出没有白费,在未来的某一天,它会全部回报给你!The world will prove that

  • [名言]拿破仑名言英语

    拿破仑名言英语,英语名言,1、挫折也有好的一面,它教给我们真理。Setbacks also have a positive side, which teaches us truth.2、一个人是否谦逊,取决于他对自己的认识与自我努力相结合的程度。Whether a person is modest or not depend

  • [句子]口号英语

    口号英语,口号大全,1、鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪清。The hawk strikes the sky and the wind is strong.2、保持健康心态,时刻保持微笑。Keep a healthy mind and keep smiling at all times.3、不要再空想了,放手去做才会成功。Don&

  • [句子]班级口号英文霸气

    班级口号英文霸气,口号大全,1、积极进取,努力拼搏。Make positive progress and strive hard.2、敢于进取,敢于翻新。Dare to make progress and dare to refurbish.3、用线条跟颜色,绘人生最辉煌。With lines and colors, life

  • [句子]霸气的英语口号

    霸气的英语口号,口号大全,1、耕耘今天,收获明天。Till today, harvest tomorrow.2、东隅已逝,桑隅非晚。The east corner is dead, the mulberry corner is not late.3、我运动,我健康,我参与,我最棒。I exercise, I'm he

  • [签名]qq个性签名2019英语

    qq个性签名2019英语,QQ个性签名,1、其实你不爱我,只是刚好遇到我。In fact, you do not love me, just meet me.2、那些曾经的回忆,想起时,还会痛吗?Those once recollections, remember, will still be painful?3、看着你为她写的爱情诗,可

  • [语录]尼采经典语录英语

    尼采经典语录英语,经典语录,1、用艺术的眼光看知识,用生活的眼光看艺术。See the knowledge with the eye of art, look at the art with the eye of life.2、约定的重点是言语之后的信任。The focus of the agreement is the tr

  • [名言]励志性名人名言英语

    励志性名人名言英语,英语名言,1、没有奋争,人生便寂寞难忍。——莱蒙托夫Life is lonely without struggle.2、谁经历的苦难多,谁懂得的东西也就多。——荷马Whoever experiences more suffering knows more.3、耐

  • [名言]励志名言警句英文版

    励志名言警句英文版,英语名言,1、人,最大的敌人是自己。Man, the greatest enemy is himself.2、没有热忱,世间便无进步。Without enthusiasm, there is no progress in the world.3、没人能让我输,除非我不想赢!No one can let me

  • [名言]科比英语名言

    科比英语名言,英语名言,1、要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。Take all the opportunities, prove yourself to all, and prove that you are able to meet the challenge.2、即便是这样,我依然可以用一只手打球
