讲经验的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、惊弓的鸟儿看到丛林都胆战心惊。The frightened birds were frightened to see the jungle.2、渔人的眼睛总是往浮子上看的。Fishermen's eyes are always on the float.3、经验是要付出昂贵学费的,但它比
关于经验的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、从胜利中学得少,从失败中学得多。Learn little from victory, learn much from failure.2、谁让同一个人骗过两次,谁就应该遭到毁灭。Whoever cheats the same person twice should be destroyed.3、
英语谚语10字,谚语大全,1、怒从心上起恶向胆边生Anger rises from the heart to the gallbladder2、在人矮檐下怎敢不低头How dare you not bow your head under the low eaves3、以小人之心度君子之腹Devoting a gentlema