班级英文口号青春霸气,口号大全,1、自重自信,自强不息。Self confidence, self-improvement.2、学海无涯勤可渡,书山万仞志能攀。There is no time to learn the sea.3、体验成长过程,享受生命快乐。Experience the process of growth and
班级英文口号青春霸气,口号大全,1、自重自信,自强不息。Self confidence, self-improvement.2、学海无涯勤可渡,书山万仞志能攀。There is no time to learn the sea.3、体验成长过程,享受生命快乐。Experience the process of growth and
班级霸气英语口号,口号大全,1、耐劳求学,踏实做人。It is hard to study and be a solid man.2、认真做事,坦荡为人。Do things carefully and be honest.3、勤学乐思,发奋向上。The diligent study music thought, to the