英语座右铭,座右铭,1、宁可笑着流泪,绝不哭着后悔。Better laugh and cry than cry and regret.2、内外相应,言行相称。Corresponding inside and outside, words and deeds are proportionate.3、输在踌躇,赢在动作。L
关于智慧的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人的智慧就是快乐的源泉。Human wisdom is the source of happiness.2、最好的天赋是才智,最大的不幸是无知。The best talent is intelligence, and the worst misfortune is ignorance.3、智慧再
英语名言警句大全集,英语名言,1、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。Those who dare to declare war on the dark must be full of light.2、想要逃避总有借口,想要成功总有方法!There is always an excuse to escape, there is