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  • [句子]英语中关于婚姻的谚语

    英语中关于婚姻的谚语,谚语大全,1、夫妻常吵闹,邻居都看笑。Husband and wife are often noisy and neighbors laugh.2、买猪不买圈,媳妇靠教劝。Buy a pig do not buy a ring, daughter-in-law rely on advice.3、慌不择路,贫不

  • [句子]实用英语谚语

    实用英语谚语,谚语大全,1、风刮一大片,雹打一条线。The wind blows a lot and hail strikes a line.2、习善而为善,习恶而为恶。Good for good, bad for evil.3、爬坡上山老骡子,知心合意老婆子。An old mule climbs a hill and a

  • [句子]家庭的英语谚语

    家庭的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、好家户经不住三股分。A good family can't stand three shares.2、我养你牙长,你养我牙落。I raise your teeth, you raise my teeth.3、忠诚老实传家远,狼心狗肺不久长。Loyalty and honesty are

  • [句子]夏天的谚语英语

    夏天的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、大暑大雨,百日见霜。Heavy summer and heavy rain make frost appear in a hundred days.2、立夏种麻,七股八杈。Seeding hemp in summer, seven parts and eight branches.3、立夏日晴,

  • [句子]关于秋天的谚语英文

    关于秋天的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、秋分不起葱,霜降必定空。The autumn equinox can not afford onions, frost must be empty.2、苹果栗子为上果,乌枣李子更值钱。Apples and chestnuts are the top fruit, but black dates

  • [句子]和狗有关的英文谚语

    和狗有关的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、狗啃骨头,津津有味。Dogs eat bones with relish.2、人爱富的,狗咬穷的。People love the rich, but dogs bite the poor.3、爱吠的狗不咬人。A barking dog does not bite.4、待到狗溺水,众人给水喝。Wh

  • [句子]关于狗和猫的英文谚语

    关于狗和猫的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、狗眼看人低。Dogs look down on people.2、出的牛马力,吃的猪狗食。Out of horsepower, eat pig and dog food.3、狗眼看人,咬穷不咬富。Dogs look at people and bite the poor but not the

  • [句子]关于狗和猫的英语谚语

    关于狗和猫的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、来道是非者,便是是非人。The right and wrong are the right and wrong.2、抱木偶打狗,把你不当人。Puppet beating dogs makes you a mistake.3、对强盗只能用刀子,对恶狗只能用棍子。You can only use k

  • [句子]英语谚语大暑

    英语谚语大暑,谚语大全,1、石上有水雨,草上有水晴。There is water and rain on the stones and water and sunshine on the grass.2、大暑热不透,大热在秋后。Great heat is impermeable, and great heat is aft

  • [句子]谚语英语

    谚语英语,谚语大全,1、春施千担肥,秋收万担粮。Spring application of 1000-ton fertilizer, autumn harvest 1000-ton grain.2、水缸出汗蛤蟆叫,不久将有大雨到。The water tank is sweating and clams are cryi

  • [句子]描写季节的英语句子

    描写季节的英语句子,经典句子,1、春天的阳光格外明媚,春姑娘展开了笑脸,太阳,红红的光束射过来,那温柔地抚摸你,像年轻的母亲的手。Spring sun is particularly bright, spring girl started a smile, the sun, the red light of the beam s

  • [句子]描述夏天的英语句子

    描述夏天的英语句子,经典句子,1、太阳像个老大老大的火球,光线灼人,公路被烈日烤得发烫,脚踏下去一步一串白烟。The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road was roasted hot sun, go on foot a bunch of white

  • [句子]春夏秋冬的英语句子

    春夏秋冬的英语句子,经典句子,1、千树万树的红叶,愈到秋深,愈是红艳,远远看去,就像火焰在滚动。The trees are red, more to the deep autumn, it is red, far from looking like a flame in rolling.2、路旁的林阴树郁郁葱葱,蝉儿齐声歌唱,它
