关于英语学习的名言,英语名言,1、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。Not afraid do not learn, is not sincere heart.2、平时不好学,临考悔已迟。Not good to learn at ordinary times, taking the regret is late.3、不怕学不会,只怕不肯钻
关于爱心的英语名言,英语名言,1、爱是自然而来的,不是买得到的。Love is natural, is not available.2、应当善于同情,而不是善于严惩。Should be good at compassion, not good at.3、爱是美德的种子。爱是理解的别名。Love is the seeds of v
格言英文,英语格言,1、勤奋是开启知识大门的一把金钥匙。Diligence is the a golden key to knowledge.2、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。Tell yourself once a day, I am really good.3、从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌。From the d
英文爱情短句,英语格言,1、当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有。When we lose, just know oneself。2、华丽的转身,华丽的落泪,华丽的说,不爱你。Luxuriant turned, tears, said, don't love you。3、大家都知道,最后一次的别离就是死亡。As y
帮助别人的英语名言,英语名言,1、I was all, all for me!我为人人,人人为我!2、Many hands make light。众人拾柴火焰高。3、The joy of helping others。助人为快乐之本。4、Helping others is a virtue。助人为乐是一种美德。5、Road se
英语学习格言,英语格言,1、Keep on going never give up。勇往直前,决不放弃!2、One hour today is worth two tomorrow。争分夺秒效率高。3、To sensible men,every day is a day of reckoning。对聪明人来说,每一天的时间
英语励志格言,英语格言,1、Saying and doing are two different things。说和做是迥然不同的两回事。2、Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse。知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。3、Two heads are better tha