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  • [短信]毕业的祝福语英文

    毕业的祝福语英文,经典短信,1、火红的彩霞在雨后,真诚的友谊在别后;流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏。Fire-red rosy clouds after rain, sincere friendship after farewell; flowing water is not blocked by stones, friend

  • [句子]英文祝福的句子唯美

    英文祝福的句子唯美,唯美的句子,1、爱情,在指缝间承诺,指缝,在爱情下缠绵。Love, commitment between fingers, finger seam, lingering in love.2、我们终于老死不相往来。At last, we are old and dead.3、不是整天多爱多爱,而是认真的一句,不离

  • [句子]英文感情句子

    英文感情句子,经典句子,1、有种幸福是让我牵着你的手,把这道地平线走下去。Happiness is to let me hold your hand and walk down the horizon.2、夏日里最明媚的阳光,驱散了关于你的所有悲伤。The brightest sunshine in summer disp

  • [句子]感情的英文句子

    感情的英文句子,经典句子,1、你的过去,我真的放不下,我恨自己遇见你太晚。I really can't let go of your past. I hate meeting you too late.2、我宁愿成为你的困兽,这样;我就可以排除万难。I would rather be your beast, so t

  • [句子]电影经典爱情英语句子

    电影经典爱情英语句子,爱情的句子,1、爱一个人那么痛苦,得不到痛苦,失去更痛苦。——《恋爱大赢家》To love a person is so painful that he can not get pain and lose more pain.2、生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也会有相交的一天。&mdash

  • [名言]哈佛大学座右铭

    哈佛大学座右铭,经典名言,1、学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.2、幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position,

  • [短信]考研的祝福语英语

    考研的祝福语英语,经典短信,1、考研是一条路,也许艰辛,也许平坦。但走过这条路肯定就是艳阳天。Taking a postgraduate entrance examination is a road, maybe hardship, maybe flat. But it must be a sunny day.2、我一直相信,

  • [句子]经典电影爱情英文句子

    经典电影爱情英文句子,爱情的句子,1、有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人。Some people cheat all their lives, and some people use their lives to cheat a person.2、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。I don't k

  • [句子]表白的英文句子带翻译

    表白的英文句子带翻译,表白的句子,1、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴!I do not want the brief tenderness, as long as your company with me!2、如果能拥有你这颗星星,我愿放弃整个天空。如果能拥有你这颗贝壳,我愿放弃整个海洋。If I could have your

  • [短信]英语小学毕业祝福语

    英语小学毕业祝福语,经典短信,1、不求他日再相逢,只求彼此不相忘。Don't ask for another day to meet, just don't forget each other.2、分开,不会删除曾经的喜怒哀乐。Separate, will not delete the joy, anger an

  • [签名]qq飞车非主流情侣名


  • [说说]qq炫舞心情记录英文

    qq炫舞心情记录英文,说说心情短语,1、时光模糊了我们的身影,于是我们渐行渐远。Time blurred our shadow, so we're far away.2、我们终于可以用陌生人的关系,一辈子在一起了。We can finally use the relationship between strangers, a

  • [句子]离别伤感的英文句子

    离别伤感的英文句子,伤感的句子,1、情知海上三年别,不寄云间一纸书。The sea for three years, the clouds don't send a paper book.2、以前的对与不对,在此时此刻都被理解。Before the right and wrong, at this moment are u

  • [句子]悲伤经典英语句子

    悲伤经典英语句子,伤感的句子,1、长大以后我只能奔跑,我多害怕在黑暗中跌倒。I can only run when I grew up, I more afraid of fall in the dark.2、花再艳也有凋谢的时候,梦再美也有醒来的时候。Flowers again brilliant also fade and

  • [名言]关于分享的英文名言

    关于分享的英文名言,英语名言,1、人生很长,需要分享。Life is very long, need to share.2、幸福,是拿来分享的。Happiness is to share.3、分享不累,独享才累!Share not tired, exclusive to tired!4、你的明媚与忧伤,从来不与我分享。Your

  • [句子]英语语句翻译

    英语语句翻译,经典句子,1、选山攀崖!量力而为!I choose the mountain! act according to one's capability!2、你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。You are not brave, no one for you to be strong.3、你快回来,我一人忽悠不来。Y

  • [名言]英语的名言警句大全

    英语的名言警句大全,英语名言,1、平凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。Ordinary steps can also through the great trip。2、让信念坚持下去,梦想就会实现。Let faith hold on, dreams will come true。3、你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。Love yo

  • [语录]哈佛大学经典校训20条

    哈佛大学经典校训20条,经典语录,1、The time is passing。时间在流逝。2、The education level represents the income。教育程度代表收入。3、One day, has not been able again to come。一天过完,不会再来。4、Not matter of
