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  • [句子]平安英语谚语

    平安英语谚语,谚语大全,1、聚精会神驾车,万里不出差错。If you concentrate on driving, you can make no mistakes in a thousand miles.2、反违章、除隐患、保安全、促生产。Anti-violation, eliminating hidden dange

  • [句子]有关交通的英语谚语

    有关交通的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、遵守交通法规,安全伴你永远。Comply with traffic regulations, safety will always be with you.2、遵守交规,善待生命。Obey the rules and treat life kindly.3、心存侥幸,必遭不幸。If you ar

  • [句子]英文交通的谚语

    英文交通的谚语,谚语大全,1、遵章路上走,安全伴你行。Walk along the Zunzhang Road, accompany you safely.2、交通安全系万家,平平安安是幸福。Traffic safety is ten thousand families, peace and security is happ

  • [句子]关于交通的英语谚语

    关于交通的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行。Good medicine is good for disease and traffic regulations are good for practice.2、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。Small cigarette ends have great hi

  • [句子]交通安全谚语英语

    交通安全谚语英语,谚语大全,1、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。Life is only once. Peace is with you all your life.2、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。Alcoholic seizures are beyond human control, and drunken driving

  • [句子]交通安全的英文谚语

    交通安全的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。Better go a hundred steps than take one step.2、文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。Civilized traffic safety, keep life and love.3、十次事故九次快,谁不相信谁受害。Ten accide

  • [句子]交通安全英语谚语

    交通安全英语谚语,谚语大全,1、行路守法法有情,平安回家家温馨。It's nice to go home safely and keep the law.2、良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行。Good medicine is good for illness and traffic regulations are goo

  • [句子]关于交通安全的英语谚语

    关于交通安全的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、行路慎为本,开车礼当先。Careful driving is the first choice.2、道路千万条,安全第一条。There are thousands of roads and safety is the first.3、金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生。Gold and ja

  • [句子]安全英文谚语

    安全英文谚语,谚语大全,1、遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。Comply with traffic regulations and care for the journey of life.2、麻痹大意一瞬间,造成损失万万千。Paralysis in a moment, causing thousands of losses.

  • [句子]关于安全的谚语英语

    关于安全的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、安全是幸福家庭的保证,事故是人生悲剧的祸根。Safety is the guarantee of a happy family. Accidents are the bane of life tragedy.2、瞎马乱闯必惹祸,操作马虎必出错。If you rush blindly, you w

  • [句子]关于安全的英语谚语

    关于安全的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、占道摆摊又设点,防碍交通最危险。Occupying road stalls and setting up points, obstructing traffic is the most dangerous.2、遵守交通法规,平安与你同在。Obey traffic regulations and

  • [句子]安全的英文谚语

    安全的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、安全人人抓,幸福千万家。Safety for everyone, happiness for millions of families.2、宝剑锋从磨砺出,安全好从严中来。Sword blades come out of sharpening and safety comes from stri

  • [句子]安全英语谚语

    安全英语谚语,谚语大全,1、遵守交通法规,平安与你同在。Obey traffic regulations and be safe with you.2、抓好安全生产,促进经济发展。We should ensure safe production and promote economic development.3、放任不管

  • [句子]有关安全的英语句子

    有关安全的英语句子,经典句子,1、顶杠要打牢,安全筑金桥。The top bars should be firmly secured and golden bridges should be built safely.2、庄稼离不开阳光,消防少不了规章。Crops can't live without sunshine,

  • [名言]交通名言英语

    交通名言英语,英语名言,1、超载超速,危机四伏。Overload overspeed, crisis.2、你让我让,路路通畅。You let me, lulu.3、遵守交规,善待生命。Obey the traffic rules, treat life.4、人不斜穿,不车越线。People are not inclined

  • [格言]关于安全的英语格言

    关于安全的英语格言,英语格言,1、漏洞不补,事故难堵。Didn't fill holes, difficult to block.2、违章指挥等于变相杀人。Illegally order is equal to the disguised murder.3、隐患处处有,安全时时记。Hidden danger everyw
