关于桥的谚语中英,谚语大全,1、车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will be straight at the bridge.2、独木桥上跑马,冒险;危险。Horse racing on
思乡的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、戍客望边色,思归多苦颜。The garrison looked at the side and thought about the bitter face.2、晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。Qingchuan calendar Hanyang tree, Fangcao Parrot Isla
与天气相关的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、昼雾阴,夜雾晴。The day is foggy and the night is foggy and clear.2、雷打夏,无水来洗耙。Thunderstorm in summer, no water to wash rake.3、南风头,北风尾。Southern limelight, no
关于写景的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、云外峰上春光明,杜鹃开后万树红。Spring is bright on the Yunwai Peak and ten thousand trees are red after the azalea blossoms.2、明月松间照,清泉石上流。The moon shines between p
英语拟人句举例,拟人句,1、窗外,风哥哥吹着翠竹妹妹,在飒飒作响中,翩然起舞。Outside the window, Brother Feng is blowing Cuizhu's sister, dancing in the rustle.2、河水似大地的血液在慢慢的流淌着生生不息。River water li
英语拟人句例子,拟人句,1、秋风瑟瑟,紫荆花恋恋不舍地离开枝头投入到了大地怀抱。The autumn wind is rustling, and the Bauhinia leaves the branch reluctantly and throws itself into the embrace of the eart
关于旅行的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、金山屋里山,焦山山里屋。Jinshan Wuli Mountain and Jiaoshan Wuli Mountain.2、吐鲁番的葡萄哈密的瓜,厍车的羊羔一枝花。The grape of Turpan, the melon of Hami, the lamb of Cheche, a flo
旅行英文谚语,谚语大全,1、细湖景致六座桥,一枝杨柳一枝桃。There are six bridges, one willow and one peach in the view of the fine lake.2、神农谷里走一遭,有病不治自己消。When you walk in Shennong Valley, if
旅行的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓沫总相宜。If the West Lake is compared with Xizi, light makeup and thick foam are always appropriate.2、鸟从巢中起,水从源头流。Birds rise from their nests
旅行英语谚语,谚语大全,1、山无水不灵,水无山不活。Mountains without water are ineffective, and waters without mountains are inactive.2、吃稀饭要搅,走溜路要跑。Eat porridge to stir, walk slippery to
关于旅游的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、峨嵋天下秀,三峡天下雄。Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.2、桂林山水甲天下,阴朔山水甲桂林。Guilin is the best place in the world, and
关于旅游的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、内地苏杭,关外巴塘。Su Hang in the Mainland, Batang outside Guanwai.2、一站走三里,一歇走三村。Walk three miles at a stop and three villages at a rest.3、天无三日晴,地无三尺平。There
关于旅游的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、峨嵋天下秀,三峡天下雄。Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.2、桂林山水甲天下,阴朔山水甲桂林。Guilin is the best place in the world, and
旅游的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、十里温塘河,九曲十八弯。Ten miles of Wentang River, nine curves and eighteen bends.2、十里勿问饭,二十里勿问店。Don't ask for food in ten li, don't ask for shop in tw
旅游的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、山无水不灵,水无山不活。Mountains without water are ineffective, and waters without mountains are inactive.2、四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou ra
拟人句英文,拟人句,1、高兴小鹿在溪边蹦蹦跳跳的走着。Happy deer skipping along the stream.2、柳枝随风飘动,像是在对我们招手似的。Willows fluttered in the wind as if waving to us.3、雪很大,雪孩子们拼命的往地上跑。The snow
有关美景的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、一天有四季,十里不同天。There are four seasons in a day, ten miles in different days.2、不到松谷庵,回家心不安。If you don't go to Songgu Temple, you will feel uneasy at
形容美景的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、湖中有岛千岛湖,岛在有湖龙川岛。There are islands in the lake, Qiandao Lake and Longchuan Island.2、峰前有路不可问、一直通到神仙洞。There is no way to ask in front of the peak until
形容美景的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、走路不看景、看景不走路。Walking does not look at the scenery, see the scenery does not walk.2、桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。Guilin is the best place in the world and Yangshuo
抖音最火英文句子,经典句子,1、我拥有的都是侥幸啊,我失去的都是人生。All I have is luck. All I lose is life.2、秋叶落下,不是风在召唤,而是树的不挽留。The fall of autumn leaves is not the call of the wind, but the tree