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  • [句子]英语作文通用句子 英语作文开头万能句子

    英语作文通用句子 英语作文开头万能句子,1、As has been mentioned above 正如上面所提到的…2、However , the dif

  • [句子]英语作文好句子 英语作文开头优美句子

    英语作文好句子 英语作文开头优美句子,1、Therefore, in my opinion, it

  • [句子]英语写作名言谚语

    英语写作名言谚语,谚语大全,1、常说口里顺,常做手不笨。It is often said that a smooth mouth is not a clumsy hand.2、锲而不舍,金石可镂。Perseverance, stone can be carved.3、从善如登,从恶如崩。Good is like climbin

  • [短信]英语毕业祝福语大全简短

    英语毕业祝福语大全简短,经典短信,1、如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。If you cry for missing the sunset, you will miss the stars.2、毕业了,转身离别,何日再相逢?相逢之日,成功之时!After graduation, turn around and leave

  • [句子]经典的英文句子简短

    经典的英文句子简短,经典句子,1、爱情本来就不公平,没必要去抱怨什么。Love is not fair, there is no need to complain.2、为你付出这么多,喜欢我会死么爱人。Give you so much, like I will die lover.3、但愿你只是迟到,而不是迷了路拐了个弯走向了别

  • [句子]唯美英文短句子

    唯美英文短句子,唯美的句子,1、爱,起于微笑,浓于亲吻,逝于泪水。Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and dies with a tear.2、也许因为太过孤独,就连爱你也是我一意孤行。Maybe because I am too lonely, even loving

  • [语录]杜拉斯经典语录英文版

    杜拉斯经典语录英文版,经典语录,1、我的生活像一只果子,我漫不经心地咬了几口,但没有品尝味道,也没有注意自己在吃。My life is like a fruit, I carelessly bit a few bites, but did not taste, nor pay attention to their own eati

  • [名言]杜拉斯英文名言

    杜拉斯英文名言,英语名言,1、我们是情人。我们不能停止不爱。We are lovers. We can't stop loving.2、如果你愿意,我们可以一起走,我也不想要什么。If you like, we can go together, and I don't want anything.3、她笑得多

  • [句子]杜拉斯情人名句英文

    杜拉斯情人名句英文,经典句子,1、他经常哭泣,因为他没有勇气突破自己的恐惧来爱。He often wept because he did not have the courage to break through his fear to love.2、我已经老了。一天,在一间公共场所的大厅里,一个男人朝我走来。他做过自我介绍后说

  • [语录]杜拉斯经典语录英文

    杜拉斯经典语录英文,经典语录,1、他的微笑不带一丝惭愧,而且没有任何悲伤,只带着一份难以抑制的纯真。He smiled without a trace of shame, and without any sorrow, with only an unrestraining innocence.2、他们彼此封锁起来,沉陷在恐惧之中

  • [句子]英语万能句子

    英语万能句子,经典句子,1、It can be said with certainty that...可以肯定地说......2、What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是3、It's generally recognized that...它普遍认为..

  • [语录]爱情英文诗句经典语录

    爱情英文诗句经典语录,爱情语录,1、完美的幸福,始终需要两个人来争取。Perfect happiness, always need two people to fight for.2、眼泪抵不过难过,随着与你有关的回忆蒸发。Tears arrived but sad, with your memories of the evapo

  • [签名]qq个性签名分手英文

    qq个性签名分手英文,伤感个性签名,1、最后,你是你,我是我,回到终点。Finally, you are you, I am me, back to the end.2、我在前面像小丑一样做戏,而你却在背后笑着看着议论着。I like a clown in front of the game, and you are behind t

  • [说说]qq说说英语大全

    qq说说英语大全,个性说说,1、我看着你的背影,我满脑子里的伤怀。I look at your back, my head in the bosom.2、年龄不是差距,身高不是距离。Age is not a distance, height is not a distance.3、如果我用爱你一半的心来学习,一定成学霸。If

  • [签名]qq个性签名英文搞笑

    qq个性签名英文搞笑,搞笑个性签名,1、种草不让人去躺,不如改种仙人掌!Grass people not to lie, as Gaizhong cactus!2、其实大家交白卷都是年级第一,为什么非要自相残杀呢。In fact we are handing the first grade, why kill it.3、不看你终身遗憾

  • [句子]浪漫的英文爱情句子

    浪漫的英文爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、择一城终老,遇一人白首。Choose one old, met a person whitehead.2、倾尽我一生,只为成全你半分。Give me my life, just to give you a half.3、还是有种想要爱你的冲动。There is a kind of impulse

  • [句子]浪漫的英语爱情句子

    浪漫的英语爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。Our love, hope there is no period.2、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.3、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。You are so pleasa

  • [签名]qq情侣签名英文

    qq情侣签名英文,情侣个性签名,1、你脑子里装的都是屎吗?You are on my mind is shit?我脑子里装的都是你啊。I: you are on my mind.2、希望有一天他亲口叫我马子。I hope one day he call me bitch.盼望有一天他亲口叫我凯子。Hope one day he a

  • [签名]qq情侣个性签名英文

    qq情侣个性签名英文,情侣个性签名,1、灿烂之日,人众如云。Sunny day, people all like a cloud.繁华过后,陌不相识。After the busy, devoted to strangers.2、有一种微笑,叫掩人耳目。There is a smile, called stealth.有一种坚持,叫装模

  • [句子]最唯美的英语句子

    最唯美的英语句子,唯美的句子,1、不是玩不起,只是输不起,不是不认真,只是怕伤心。Not cannot play, just can't afford to lose, is not serious, just afraid of sad.2、我站在宿命的手心里,一直未曾脱逃。I stood fate hands hea
