与光有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、阳光越是强烈的地方,阴影就越是深邃。The stronger the sunshine, the deeper the shadow.2、有了阴影,光明才能更具有耀眼。With shadows, light can be more dazzling.3、追逐影子的人,自己就是影子。The man
中考加油祝福语英语,经典短信,1、人易我易,我不大意;人难我难,我不畏难。It's easy for me, I don't care; it's difficult for me, I don't fear it.2、自信来源于对自我的正确认识,自卑来源于比较的结果。Self-confidenc
爱情祝福语英语,爱情语录,1、深爱一个人会醉;恨一个人会碎;最痛苦的是等待!不知道你会等我多久,可我知道我会等你一生一世!Deep love a person will be drunk; hate a person will be broken; the most painful is waiting! Do not kn