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  • [名言]英语手抄报名言警句

    英语手抄报名言警句,英语名言,1、情执是苦恼的原因,放下情执,你能力得到自在。Emotional attachment is the cause of distress. Put it down and you will be able to be at ease.2、你若有颗不屈的灵魂,脚下便有片坚实的土地。If you ha

  • [名言]英语名人名言加翻译

    英语名人名言加翻译,英语名言,1、过于求速是做事的最大危险之一。——培根Speed is one of the biggest danger of working too.2、意志的力量大于手的力量。——索福克勒斯The power of will power is greater

  • [名言]关于勇气的名言英语

    关于勇气的名言英语,英语名言,1、爱会让人拥有战斗的勇气。Love can make people have the courage to fight.2、酒给人勇气,酒使人多情。Wine gives people courage, affectionate man.3、连死的勇气都有,何况活呢?Even have the co

  • [名言]关于天才的英语名言

    关于天才的英语名言,英语名言,1、平凡的人希望,天才的人创造。Ordinary people hope, talented people to create.2、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。Intelligent out of diligence, genius is gained by accumulation.3、天才不是别
