高考祝福语英文版,经典短信,1、读万卷书,行万里路。Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.2、非学无以广才,非志无以成学。There is no widespread talent without learning, and no ambition with
红酒英文句子,经典句子,1、享受时间的定格,在红酒摇曳的杯中,找寻曾经甜蜜的滋润与温存。Enjoy the fixed frame of time, in the glass of red wine swaying, looking for once sweet moistening and warmth.2、一个人独处时
英语青春句子,经典句子,1、青春就像一瓶纯洁的矿泉水,稍微一倾斜,再一倾斜,便义无反顾的流走了。Youth is like a bottle of pure mineral water, slightly tilted, and then tilted, it will flow away without hesitati
美食英文句子,经典句子,1、青青竹笋迎船出,白白红鱼入馔来。Green bamboo shoots welcome out of the boat, white and red fish come to eat.2、看着桌上的鱼,真香啊!我直流口水,都快忍不住把它们全吃进肚子。Look at the fish on the
美食英语句子,经典句子,1、扬州鲜笋趁鲥鱼,烂煮春风三月初。Yangzhou fresh bamboo shoots take advantage of shad fish, rotten cooking spring breeze in early March.2、无声细下飞碎雪,放箸未觉全盘空。Silent fine
餐厅广告英语标语,广告标语,1、大师范儿,美味享受。Master fan, enjoy delicious.2、美味佳肴,令人垂涎三尺!Delicious food, a drool with envy!3、多样的菜色,有母亲亲切的叮咛。A variety of dishes, a mother kind of caution
描写咖啡的英文句子,经典句子,1、咖啡就是人生,苦与甜都包含其中。Coffee is life, bitter and sweet are included.2、那个午后,那杯咖啡,让我明白了:我们谁都不是谁的谁,你在等待咖啡里要加糖的人,我在期盼有谁来分享咖啡单纯的苦涩。That afternoon, the cup of c