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  • [短信]商务英语祝福语

    商务英语祝福语,经典短信,1、这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的新年!At this moment, have my deepest thoughts. Let cloud wisher to bless with full intention, embellish your

  • [签名]qq个性签名女生英文的

    qq个性签名女生英文的,女生个性签名,1、其实深拥,比什么都温暖。In fact, a deep hug, than what are warm.2、幸福如同饮水,冷暖自知。Happiness is like drinking water, lengnuanzizhi.3、有些爱,不得不,各安天涯。Some love, to the e

  • [签名]非主流女生英文签名

    非主流女生英文签名,女生个性签名,1、闭嘴!主管不在不许谈工作。Shut up The director is not allowed to talk about work.2、不差七情六欲,只欠一心一意。No difference in the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, u

  • [格言]唯美英文短句

    唯美英文短句,英语格言,1、来不及说爱你,这或许就是命中注定。Too late to say love you, this is probably doomed。2、原来爱一个人,由天由人,就是由不得自己。The original love a person, by day by the people, is not on

  • [格言]唯美爱情英文短句

    唯美爱情英文短句,英语格言,1、这个世界连呼吸都在说谎,我骗不过我自己的。This world even breathing is lying, I cheated but my own。2、如果有一天我们变陌生了,那么我就重新认识你。If one day we become strange, then I will meet

  • [签名]qq英文个性签名唯美

    qq英文个性签名唯美,QQ个性签名,1、等一个黄昏,爱一个清晨。Waiting for an evening, love an early morning.2、脾气好的男人,特别迷人。The man with a good temper is particularly charming.3、没有你的一生,在长也是余生。Not your

  • [签名]英文唯美的个性签名

    英文唯美的个性签名,个性签名,1、以岁月为弦,赠你惊世情歌。In years for strings, give you stunning songs.2、我不说,你不懂,这就是距离。I don't say, you don't understand, this is the distance.3、给下一个遇见,

  • [签名]qq情侣个性英文签名

    qq情侣个性英文签名,情侣个性签名,1、飞蛾扑火,有几人能做到。A moth, a few people can do.2、请在珍惜的时候,好好去爱。Please cherish the time, to love.3、我爱你不是任何人可以代替的。I love you not for anyone.4、你有什么身份,你就有个身份证。W

  • [签名]英语情侣个性签名

    英语情侣个性签名,情侣个性签名,1、告诉我结局,多久我都等。Tell me the end, how long will I wait.2、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。Love me you say, put in the heart more rough.3、简单的一句我爱你。你却老不信。Simple sentence I lov

  • [签名]qq英语搞笑个性签名

    qq英语搞笑个性签名,搞笑个性签名,1、明骚易躲,暗贱难防。Ming Sao is easy to hide, dark base to prevent.2、光阴似面,日月如锅。Time is like a pot.3、本人已死,有事烧纸。I am dead, something burning.4、距离产生的不是美,是**。Dist

  • [签名]qq英文签名关于爱情

    qq英文签名关于爱情,QQ个性签名,1、时光在消逝,承若却在沉睡。Time is passing, but if the bear is sleeping.2、唯有记忆,才是最完美的影像。It is only memory that displays a flawless vision.3、我的心里住着一盘炒饭,一碗汤。I lived

  • [签名]个性签名英语爱情

    个性签名英语爱情,情侣个性签名,1、你五毛我五毛咱们就能一块了。Five your hair I five hair we can piece.2、似乎回到从前,依旧那么孤独。Seems to return to the past, is still so lonely.3、不能陪你到最后,是要有多遗憾。Can't acc

  • [签名]qq爱情英语个性签

    qq爱情英语个性签,QQ个性签名,1、展望着未来等着与你相遇。Looking forward to meet you in the future.2、你,就是我不爱别人的理由。You, that I don't love others reason.3、你不爱我了,我也不要你了。You don't love me,

  • [签名]qq个性签名爱情的英语

    qq个性签名爱情的英语,QQ个性签名,1、飞蛾扑火,有几人能做到?A moth, a few people can do?2、冻豆腐伤不了人,伤得是心。Frozen tofu can not hurt people, hurt heart.3、醉过方知酒浓,爱过方知情重。Know the wine is thick, loved bef

  • [签名]中英文爱情个性签名

    中英文爱情个性签名,情侣个性签名,1、其实深拥,比什么都温暖。In fact, deep embrace, more than anything warm.2、明知是场戏,还要陪你演下去。Knowing is a play, but also to accompany you to play.3、你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。Your

  • [签名]英文qq个性签名爱情

    英文qq个性签名爱情,QQ个性签名,1、绝世的画,缺了角就会掉价。A painting, missing angle will fall.2、三三两两在离别,承诺不兑现。Three three two two in departure, the commitment not to honor.3、你给的伤,连微笑都掩饰不了。You g

  • [签名]qq个性签名爱情英语

    qq个性签名爱情英语,QQ个性签名,1、你忘了,忘了,就对了。You forget, forget, right.2、陌生的对白,最熟悉的人。Strange white, the most familiar person.3、偶尔有点小情绪,为了引起你注意。Occasionally a bit of a small mood, in

  • [签名]个人签名英语爱情

    个人签名英语爱情,情侣个性签名,1、爱不起,又为何偏偏爱上你。Love can not afford, why are you in love with you.2、时光在消逝,承若却在沉睡。Time is passing, but if the bear is sleeping.3、既然不爱,为何还要来招惹我?Since you

  • [签名]英文爱情句子

    英文爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、没有爱情,也就没有幸福。Without love, there is no happiness.2、友情,不输给任何一种爱情。Friendship, don't lose to any kind of love.3、我胃又疼了,又是因为想你。My stomach hurts, and i

  • [签名]爱情英文个性签名

    爱情英文个性签名,情侣个性签名,1、沵给旳承诺,一文不值。You give the commitment, not worth a hair.2、有些人,看清了,也就看轻了。Some people see, also underestimate.3、我是你的过客,你却是我的定格。I am your traveler, you ar
