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  3. weekend专题
  • [短信]英语祝福语大全简短

    英语祝福语大全简短,经典短信,1、你的健康关系着大家的心情,所以一定要尽早好起来哟!Your health is related to everyone's mood, so you must get better as soon as possible.2、如果有一个地方满溢着温馨、关怀,你愿否与我携手前往?If th

  • [短信]英语邮件的祝福语

    英语邮件的祝福语,经典短信,1、愿你永远拥有我,愿我永远拥有你,我们一起,走向崭新的生活。May you always have me. May I always have you. Together, we will move towards a brand new life.2、愿你是个烟灰缸,我是一支点燃的香烟,我燃烧着

  • [短信]周末祝福语英文

    周末祝福语英文,经典短信,1、周末两天,尽情休闲,把忙碌挤干,让烦恼靠边,跟好运相伴,与快乐见面。Weekend two days, enjoy leisure, busy squeeze dry, let trouble aside, with good luck, and happy to meet.2、朋友,又是一个美

  • [短信]英文卡片祝福语

    英文卡片祝福语,经典短信,1、小河岸边,枝摇影飘;庭院深处,嫩绿含娇,剪一束春光相赠,愿你常笑。On the banks of the river, the branches float in the shadows. In the deep part of the courtyard, green and delicate

  • [短信]英语周末祝福语

    英语周末祝福语,经典短信,1、周末好运加美丽,吉祥天天拥抱你。Luck and beauty on weekends, auspicious embrace you every day.2、周末到啦,祝愿好朋友天天都幸福开心。At the end of the week, good friends are happy eve

  • [短信]周末英文祝福语

    周末英文祝福语,经典短信,1、周末了,愿你忘记烦恼,好好休息!Weekend, may you forget your worries and have a good rest.2、周末了,请您时时开心,分分快乐。On weekends, please be happy and happy.3、祝你周末顺心愿,欢笑不间断!I

  • [短信]英文周末祝福语

    英文周末祝福语,经典短信,1、有朋友同行是种安全,有朋友鼓励是种力量,有朋友想念是种幸福!朋友,祝你开心每一秒,快乐每一天,周末快乐。It is a kind of safety to have friends and peers, and encouragement from friends is a kind of st

  • [短信]周末祝福语英语

    周末祝福语英语,经典短信,1、这是个惬意的宁静世界,阳光灿烂如昔,柔风轻轻如昔,但愿美好的时光就这样驻足,带给您欢欣与鼓舞,周末愉快!This is a pleasant quiet world, the sun is bright as ever, the wind is gentle as ever, I hope th

  • [短信]周末祝福语英语

    周末祝福语英语,经典短信,1、这是个惬意的宁静世界,阳光灿烂如昔,柔风轻轻如昔,但愿美好的时光就这样驻足,带给您欢欣与鼓舞,周末愉快!This is a pleasant quiet world, the sun is bright as ever, the wind is gentle as ever, I hope th

  • [短信]英文祝福

    英文祝福,经典短信,1、我静静地摘下圆月中的那金桂新枝,编织一个相思的好梦,遥寄给远方肄业的你。I quietly took full moon that given in the sections, to weave a lovesickness dream, remote send drop-outs you fa

  • [短信]英语祝福语大全

    英语祝福语大全,经典短信,1、在这个充满喜悦的日子里,在长久的离别后,愿新年的钟声代给你一份宁静和喜悦,和祝福。In this days full of joy, after a long absence, may the coming New Year bell and give you a peace and joy,

  • [短信]英文祝福语

    英文祝福语,经典短信,1、即使无法再见面,即使时光渐渐模糊了你的脸,但我们的友谊却永远那么清晰地存在着!Even if can't meet again, even if time blurred your face, but our friendship is so clearly exists forever

  • [短信]英文祝福语大全

    英文祝福语大全,经典短信,1、请允许我为你毕业表示祝贺,愿你未来前程似锦,生活幸福!Please allow me to congratulate you graduate, hope for your future future, happy life!2、送走旧年的时候,也送走一年的阴郁,迎来新春的时候,也迎来新的希望。

  • [短信]英语祝福语

    英语祝福语,经典短信,1、我跟你一起高兴,祝你健康长寿,生活充满诗情画意。I am happy with you, wish you longevity and health, life is full of poetic。2、在怀念的季节里,请不要忘了我,就如同我时时没有忘了你一样。In the season of m

  • [短信]英文祝福语朋友

    英文祝福语朋友,经典短信,1、珍爱的记忆与时光同在且日益珍贵,愿那些美好的昨天帮助你减轻今天的悲哀。Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time。 May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's

  • [短信]周末愉快英文

    周末愉快英文,英语格言,1、浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。愿你周末快乐,健康如意!Thick friendship, deeply bless, miss, continuous and greetings。 I wish you a happy weekend and a healthy life!2、周末到了

  • [短信]周末愉快英文

    周末愉快英文,英语格言,1、浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。愿你周末快乐,健康如意!Thick friendship, deeply bless, miss, continuous and greetings。 I wish you a happy weekend and a healthy life!2、周末到了

  • [格言]周末愉快英文

    周末愉快英文,英语格言,1、浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。愿你周末快乐,健康如意!Thick friendship, deeply bless, miss, continuous and greetings。 I wish you a happy weekend and a healthy life!2、周末到了

  • [格言]周末愉快英文

    周末愉快英文,英语格言,1、浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。愿你周末快乐,健康如意!Thick friendship, deeply bless, miss, continuous and greetings。 I wish you a happy weekend and a healthy life!2、周末到了

  • [格言]祝福英文

    祝福英文,英语格言,1、一路高升,祝新工作得心应手,顺风顺水。Wish rises, the new work with ease, the wind。2、想不发财都困难!好事多多,欢乐多多!Can't get rich all difficulties! A lot of good, a lot of joy
