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  3. winter专题
  • [语录]雪英文语录

    雪英文语录,经典语录,1、下雪了,一片片雪花从天上飘落下来,不一会儿,地上树上房顶上都变成白色的了。It snowed, and flakes of snow fell from the sky. Soon, the roofs of trees on the ground turned white.2、雪花从天而降,有

  • [句子]英文广告标语

    英文广告标语,广告标语,1、多一些润滑,少一些摩擦。——统一润滑油More lubrication, less friction.2、听世界,打天下。——海尔手机Listen to the world, fight the world.3、科技创造自由。—&mda

  • [句子]冬天的句子英语

    冬天的句子英语,经典句子,1、洁白的雪,我爱你,我爱你的纯洁。你把大地装饰得一片银白,你把大地打扮得多么美丽。White snow, I love you, I love your purity. You decorate the earth with silver, how beautiful you dress it.2

  • [句子]冬天句子英语句子

    冬天句子英语句子,经典句子,1、雪变小了植物像是吸足了营养,渐渐地。向雪不断招手,以感谢对自己的恩赐。The snow has become smaller and the plants seem to have absorbed enough nutrition, gradually. Wave to snow to tha

  • [句子]冬天句子英语句子

    冬天句子英语句子,经典句子,1、雪变小了植物像是吸足了营养,渐渐地。向雪不断招手,以感谢对自己的恩赐。The snow has become smaller and the plants seem to have absorbed enough nutrition, gradually. Wave to snow to tha

  • [名言]关于春天的英语名言

    关于春天的英语名言,英语名言,1、青春,就像受赞美的春天。Youth, like the spring by the praise.2、律回岁晚冰霜少,春到人间草木知。Less law back to the age of late frost, spring to the vegetation on earth.3、一春常是雨
