英语十条谚语,谚语大全,1、水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。The water is so dank that the mountains and islands stand still.2、有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。Reasonable walking all over the world, unreasonable step i
与机遇相关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、败不可处,时不可失,忠不可弃,怀不可从。Failure is impossible, time is not lost, loyalty is not abandoned, can not be followed.2、自古天下事,及时难必成。Ever since ancient times, i
关于智慧的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人的智慧就是快乐的源泉。Human wisdom is the source of happiness.2、最好的天赋是才智,最大的不幸是无知。The best talent is intelligence, and the worst misfortune is ignorance.3、智慧再
关于智慧的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、美貌和智慧很少结合在一起。Beauty and wisdom seldom go hand in hand.2、哪里有智慧,哪里就有成效。Where there is wisdom, there is effectiveness.3、过去的一切都是智慧的镜子。Everything in the
英文教育谚语,谚语大全,1、谨言慎行,宽厚忍让,勤恳做事,踏实做人。Be cautious, tolerant, diligent and down-to-earth.2、穷家难舍,熟地难离。Poor families are inseparable from familiarity.3、鸟伴鸾凤飞行远,人随圣贤品德高。B
英文心情说说感悟人生,说说心情短语,1、成功的道路得靠自己闯,心在哪里,路就在哪里!The road to success depends on oneself. Where one's heart is, the road is!2、活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。To live long is not nece
霸气的中英文口号,口号大全,1、勤学好问,立志成才。It is hard to study diligently, and be determined to become a talent.2、知人者智,自知者明。A wise man is wise, and a wise man knows.3、青春须早为,岂能长少年。Yo
英文圣经经典句子,经典句子,1、你不与世俗分开,世俗要将你与神分开。You are not separated from the world. The world wants to separate you from God.2、将自己完全献身于神,并非是冒险。It's not an adventure to devo
苏格拉底名言英文,英语名言,1、在爱情上,没有相互的忠诚,就没有相互的信任。In love, without mutual loyalty, there is no mutual trust.2、最热烈的恋爱,会有最冷漠的结局。The warmest love will have the coldest ending.3、世上
英语四级经典句子,经典句子,1、nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。2、one false move may lose the game。一着不慎,满盘皆输。3、no cross, no crown。不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。4、no man is w
英语励志短句子,励志的句子,1、不是你比别人差,只是付出不够多。Is not worse than others, but not enough to pay.2、拼一个春夏秋冬,换一生无怨无悔。Make a change of seasons, life no regrets.3、只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。As long
关于智慧的英语名言,英语名言,1、人的智慧不用就会枯萎。A man's wisdom without will wither.2、人的智慧就是快乐的源泉。A man's wisdom is the source of happiness.3、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。Honesty is the first cha
关于智慧与成功的英文名言,英语名言,1、智慧只能在真理中发现。Wisdom can only found in truth.2、个人的智慧只是有限的。The wisdom of the individual is limited.3、真正的慷慨是真正的智慧。Real generosity is true wisdom.4、思想和智慧是
孔子名言名句英语,英语名言,1、有教无类。In teaching there should be no distinction of classes。2、言必信,行必果。Keep what you say and carry out what you do。3、有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?Is it not delightful
英文名言名句大全,英语名言,1、Still waters run deep。流静水深,人静心深。2、Where there is life, there is hope。有生命必有希望。3、Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited。恶有恶报。4、Be swift to hear,