爱情语录英文版,爱情语录,1、世界上再好的都不要,因为我有你。No matter how good the world, because I have you.2、过去的爱情,早已注定了的结果,被定格的画面。Love in the past, has long been the result of the doomed, t
拜伦经典诗句英文,抒情诗句,1、乐观的人永葆青春。Optimistic person of youth.2、友谊是没有羽翼的爱。Friendship is love without wings.3、好矫捷啊,思想的步伐!Good agile ah, thought the pace!4、今日之我已非往日之我。I am not
柏拉图的名言英文,英语名言,1、美好的观念较美人尤为可爱。Beautiful idea is more lovely than beauty.2、良好的开端,等于成功的一半。A good beginning is half the battle.3、美是一种自然优势。Beauty is a natural advantage.
柏拉图的爱情名言英文,英语名言,1、如果爱上,就不要轻易放过机会。莽撞,可能使你后悔一阵子;怯懦,却可能使你后悔一辈子。If you fall in love, don't let go. Recklessly, may make you regret for a while; cowardice, but may mak
百年孤独经典语录英文,经典语录,1、一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。A man dies not when he is dead, but when he dies.2、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。As long as no dead people are buried in the ground, y
霸气的个性签名英文,超拽个性签名,1、想跟爷单挑,爷揍你个大熊包!I want to give you a piece of God bear bag!2、把抽烟的钱省下来给媳妇买糖吃。Save the money to buy sugar for his wife.3、你是我的,谁也别想把你抢走!You are mine, and
巴尔扎克英文名言,英语名言,1、无知是迷信之母。Ignorance is the mother of superstition.2、到处是真苦难,假欢喜。Everywhere is true misery, false joy.3、谁自尊,谁就会得到尊重。Who self-esteem, who will be respect
巴尔扎克名言英文,英语名言,1、评判得越多,爱得越少。The more you judge, the less you love.2、小说是一个民族的秘史。The novel is a national secret history.3、拐弯抹角的路成不了大事。Equivocate road not big.4、无所需求的人民
奥斯卡王尔德名言英文,英语名言,1、良心和胆怯其实是一回事,良心不过是胆怯的商号名称罢了。Conscience and cowardice are one thing, but conscience is the name of a cowardly company.2、任何地方只要你爱它,它就是你的世界。Anywhere you
奥巴马励志英语名言,英语名言,1、随着世界越来越紧密地联系在一起,我们共同的人性将显露出来,美国必须承担引领新时代和平的重任。As the world becomes more and more closely connected, our common humanity will be revealed, and the Un
奥巴马的英语名言,英语名言,1、背不起十字架,就戴不起皇冠。If you can't carry a cross, you can't wear a crown.2、让我们公共话语建立在真相的基础上,为民主打开大门。Let us build the public discourse on the basis o
奥巴马英文名言,英语名言,1、我们就是我们一直在等待的救世主!We are the ones we've been waiting for!2、最好的,尚未到来。The best is yet to come.3、我们的今天是多少血汗、泪水换来的,但路才刚刚开始。今天,我们做出诚挚的努力,确保留给孩子们的世界,比现在
暗示表白的英文句子,经典句子,1、在我心里,你和阳光,酸奶,赖床一样重要。In my heart, you and the sunshine, yogurt, sleep is as important as.2、我愿意做你最温馨的避风港。I would like to be your most warm haven.3、有些人
安慰失恋的人英文,经典句子,1、这个男人走了,会为更优秀的男人让路,好的往往在最后,就当他是个不合格的产品,被你退了货。This man is gone, will make way for a better man, good often in the end, when he is a substandard produc
安慰人的英语句子,经典句子,1、人生的成功不过是在紧要处多一份坚持,人生的失败往往是在关键时刻少了坚持。The success of life is only in the critical place a lot of persistence, the failure of life is often in the crit
安东尼经典语录英文,经典语录,1、人生路那么长,每个时刻都有人与自己邂逅同行离开。感激他们丰富了生命,然后就这样子,慢慢的成长了吧。Life is such a long road, every moment someone met with their peers left. Thank them for their live
暧昧的英语句子,爱情的句子,1、我觉得我暗恋你已经很久了。I think I have a crush on you for a long time.2、心里最最最重要旳位置,依旧留给你。The heart is the most important place, still leave you.3、如果世界上没有了爱情,那么
爱因斯坦名人名言英文,英语名言,1、创新的秘密在于知道如何把你的智谋藏而不露。The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.2、一个人从未犯错是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。A person who never made a mistake because he
爱因斯坦英文名言,英语名言,1、想象力比知识更为重要。Imagination is more important than knowledge.2、一个人最完美和最强烈的情感来自面对不解之谜。One of the most perfect and most intense emotion from the face of my
爱因斯坦成功名言英文,英语名言,1、我喜欢旅行,但我不喜欢到达。I like to travel, but I don't like to arrive.2、如果有来世,我要去做一个商人。If there is an afterlife, I want to be a businessman.3、态度上的弱点会变成性格上的