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  3. June专题
  • [句子]农民总结出的英文谚语

    农民总结出的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、春旱谷满仓,夏旱断种粮。Dry grain in spring is full of barns, and dry grain in summer is cut off.2、立秋不立秋,六月二十头。Autumn begins at the beginning of June, but not a

  • [句子]月份谚语英文

    月份谚语英文,谚语大全,1、六月不热,五谷不结。June is not hot, grain is not knotted.2、注月抓住膘,过夏轻悄悄。The moon catches the fat and spends the summer quietly.3、七月伏草漫山道,晒干粉碎好饲料。In July, the

  • [短信]六一儿童节英文祝福语

    六一儿童节英文祝福语,儿童节短信,1、这个世界上有这么多聪明可爱的小朋友,但是在爸爸的心中你永远是最棒的!祝你儿童节快乐。In this world there are so many clever and lovely children, but in daddy's heart you'll always be

  • [短信]六一儿童节英语祝福语

    六一儿童节英语祝福语,儿童节短信,1、祝身体健康,牙齿掉光;一路顺风,半路失踪;一路走好,半路摔倒;天天愉快,经常变态;笑口常开,笑死活该!Wish a healthy body, the tooth drop light; Bon voyage, halfway missing; All the way walk good, fa
