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  3. art专题
  • [句子]与本领有关的英语谚语

    与本领有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、书要从头读,艺要从头学。Books should be read from scratch and arts should be learned from scratch.2、无财不算贫,无艺贫为真。No wealth is not poverty, no art is poverty.3、米粉

  • [名言]外国名人名言英文版

    外国名人名言英文版,名人名言,1、世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌。——泰戈尔The world kisses me with pain and asks me to repay it with songs.2、每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。——尼采Every day with

  • [语录]贝多芬英文语录

    贝多芬英文语录,经典语录,1、没有什么能伴你一生,只有你的心情。Nothing can keep you alive, only your mood.2、我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。I would like to prove that those who act in a good and nobl

  • [名言]罗丹英文名言

    罗丹英文名言,英语名言,1、美到处都有的,对于我们的眼睛,不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。Beauty is everywhere, for our eyes, not the lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery.2、为了在生活中努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧!In order t

  • [名言]音乐英语名言

    音乐英语名言,英语名言,1、音乐可以治心病。Music can cure heart disease.2、音乐是空气的诗歌。Music is the air of poetry.3、音乐常使死亡迟延。Music often makes delay death.4、钟声是音乐的笑声。The bell is the laugh

  • [名言]音乐的英语名言

    音乐的英语名言,英语名言,1、你拯救了音乐界!You saved the music!2、建筑是凝固的音乐。Architecture is frozen music.3、音乐是人生的艺术。Music is the art of life.4、音乐是思维着的声音。With the sound of music is think

  • [名言]艺术英语名言

    艺术英语名言,英语名言,1、艺术是感情的传递。Art is the transmission of feelings.2、用一根线条去散步。With a line to go for a walk.3、音乐是耳朵的眼睛。Music is the eye of the ear.4、艺术恒久,生命短暂。Constant of

  • [名言]艺术英语名言

    艺术英语名言,英语名言,1、艺术是感情的传递。Art is the transmission of feelings.2、用一根线条去散步。With a line to go for a walk.3、音乐是耳朵的眼睛。Music is the eye of the ear.4、艺术恒久,生命短暂。Constant of

  • [名言]艺术名言英语

    艺术名言英语,英语名言,1、艺术是活的科学。Art is the science of living.2、治疗苦恼的灵丹。Treatment of magic.3、诗歌是艺术的女王。Poetry is the art of the queen.4、艺术乃德行的宝库。Art is the treasure house of

  • [名言]艺术名言英语

    艺术名言英语,英语名言,1、艺术是活的科学。Art is the science of living.2、治疗苦恼的灵丹。Treatment of magic.3、诗歌是艺术的女王。Poetry is the art of the queen.4、艺术乃德行的宝库。Art is the treasure house of

  • [名言]建筑名言英文

    建筑名言英文,英语名言,1、建筑是凝固的音乐。Architecture is frozen music.2、建筑始于工程完结之处。Construction began in the end.3、建筑是地球引力的艺术。Architecture is the art of earth's gravity.4、绿树加建筑

  • [名言]关于艺术英文名言

    关于艺术英文名言,英语名言,1、艺术是活的科学。Art is the science of living.2、艺术是高尚情操的宣泄。Art is a noble sentiment catharsis.3、艺术的敌人就是不学无术。The enemy of art is unlearned.4、太生活化了也就没有艺术了。Too

  • [名言]关于艺术英文名言

    关于艺术英文名言,英语名言,1、艺术是活的科学。Art is the science of living.2、艺术是高尚情操的宣泄。Art is a noble sentiment catharsis.3、艺术的敌人就是不学无术。The enemy of art is unlearned.4、太生活化了也就没有艺术了。Too

  • [名言]关于艺术的英语名言

    关于艺术的英语名言,英语名言,1、诗歌是艺术的女王。Poetry is the art of the queen.2、艺术乃德行的宝库。Art is the treasure house of virtue.3、艺术是精神和物质的奋斗。Art is a spiritual and material of the struggle

  • [名言]关于艺术的英语名言

    关于艺术的英语名言,英语名言,1、诗歌是艺术的女王。Poetry is the art of the queen.2、艺术乃德行的宝库。Art is the treasure house of virtue.3、艺术是精神和物质的奋斗。Art is a spiritual and material of the struggle

  • [名言]关于艺术的名言英语

    关于艺术的名言英语,英语名言,1、为人是一种艺术。Man is a kind of art.2、艺术是感情的传递。Art is the transmission of feelings.3、艺术使自然更完美。Art makes more perfect nature.4、音乐是人生的艺术。Music is the art of

  • [名言]关于艺术的名言英语

    关于艺术的名言英语,英语名言,1、为人是一种艺术。Man is a kind of art.2、艺术是感情的传递。Art is the transmission of feelings.3、艺术使自然更完美。Art makes more perfect nature.4、音乐是人生的艺术。Music is the art of

  • [名言]关于谈判的名言英文

    关于谈判的名言英文,英语名言,1、我和草原野蛮人的谈判能结出果实。I and the plains barbarians negotiation can bear fruit.2、领土问题没有谈判,只有**。Territorial issues no talks, only war.3、他是个囚犯,他根本没有法律地位来进行谈判。

  • [句子]骂人的话英文有哪些

    骂人的话英文有哪些,好词好句,1、你全家吃屎的吧?满嘴喷屎。You and your family eat shit? With a mouthful of shit.2、我祝你孤独,并且长命百岁。I wish you lonely, and long life.3、你妈在哪里,我要把你塞回。Where is your moth

  • [诗句]骂人的话英文有哪些

    骂人的话英文有哪些,好词好句,1、你全家吃屎的吧?满嘴喷屎。You and your family eat shit? With a mouthful of shit.2、我祝你孤独,并且长命百岁。I wish you lonely, and long life.3、你妈在哪里,我要把你塞回。Where is your moth
