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  • [句子]20句英语谚语或名言

    20句英语谚语或名言,谚语大全,1、好种出好苗,好树结好桃。Good planting, good seedling, good tree, good peach.2、和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.3、人哄地皮,地哄肚皮。Pe

  • [句子]控制情绪谚语英文

    控制情绪谚语英文,谚语大全,1、生活上适度,精神上大度。Moderate in life and generous in spirit.2、情急百病生,情舒百病除。Emergency causes all illnesses, but comfort eliminates all illnesses.3、怒中之言,必有泄漏。W

  • [句子]控制情绪的英文谚语

    控制情绪的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、治病必先治神,药疗必先疗心。The treatment of disease must first cure the god, and medicine must first cure the heart.2、怒伤肝,喜伤心,悲忧惊恐伤命根。Anger hurts the liver, joy

  • [句子]英语作文万能谚语

    英语作文万能谚语,谚语大全,1、脚正不怕鞋歪,心正不怕雷打。Foot is not afraid of shoe crooked, heart is not afraid of thunder.2、走路怕暴雨,说话怕输理。Walk afraid of rainstorm, talk afraid of failure.3、三个

  • [句子]中考用英语谚语

    中考用英语谚语,谚语大全,1、不是你的财,别落你的袋。It's not your money. Don't leave it in your pocket.2、娘痛儿,路样长;儿痛娘,线样长。Niang Tong Niang, the road is long; Niang Tong Niang, the l

  • [句子]和考试有关的英文谚语

    和考试有关的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、浪费时间,等于缩短生命。To waste time is to shorten life.2、什么藤结什么瓜,什么树开什么花。What vine knots what melon, what tree blossoms what flower.3、弟兄不和邻里欺,将相不和邻国欺。If a bro

  • [名言]英语的15句名人名言

    英语的15句名人名言,英语名言,1、读过一本好书,像交了一个益友。——藏克家Reading a good book is like making a good friend.2、天下无难事,只要肯登攀!——格言Nothing is impossible to a willing ma

  • [格言]英语人生格言短句

    英语人生格言短句,英语格言,1、天下事只有做不做,没有小不小。Everything in the world has to be done or not, no small thing.2、世界让我遍体鳞伤,但伤口长出的却是翅膀。The world bruises me all over, but the wound grow
