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  3. morning专题
  • [句子]最新的一般过去时的句子大全

    最新的一般过去时的句子大全,1、我以前从不喝酒。I never drank wine 2、那些日子他总是工作到深夜。He always worked

  • [句子]最新的幼儿顺口溜大全

    最新的幼儿顺口溜大全,1、外出安全要牢记2、脑袋head更聪明,做个新世纪小主人。3、太阳公公咪咪笑,4、ship ship 水中游,5、小船

  • [句子]与天气相关的谚语英文

    与天气相关的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、昼雾阴,夜雾晴。The day is foggy and the night is foggy and clear.2、雷打夏,无水来洗耙。Thunderstorm in summer, no water to wash rake.3、南风头,北风尾。Southern limelight, no

  • [句子]天气晴朗的谚语英语

    天气晴朗的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、云吃火有雨,火吃云晴天。Clouds eat fire, rain, fire eats clouds and sunny days.2、常刮西北风,近日天气晴。It often blows northwest, and it's sunny these days.3、早晨地罩雾,尽管晒

  • [句子]健康的谚语英语翻译

    健康的谚语英语翻译,谚语大全,1、红枣芹菜根,能降胆固醇。Jujube celery root, can reduce cholesterol.2、铁不冶炼不成钢,人不养生不健康。If iron is not smelted, it will not make steel, and people will not be heal

  • [句子]天气多变的英语谚语

    天气多变的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、天上铁砧云,很快大雨淋。Anvil cloud in the sky, soon heavy rain.2、雨前有风雨不久,雨后无风雨不停。Not long before the rain, there was no wind and rain after the rain.3、天上鱼鳞斑,晒谷

  • [句子]关于时间谚语英文

    关于时间谚语英文,谚语大全,1、有钱难买少年时,失落光阴无处寻。When money is hard to buy a teenager, lost time is nowhere to be found.2、时间就是能力等发展的地盘。Time is the place where capacity and other dev

  • [句子]珍惜光明的英文谚语

    珍惜光明的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、有钱难买少年时,失落光阴无处寻。When money is hard to buy a teenager, lost time is nowhere to be found.2、一年的工作看春天,一天的工作看早晨。One year's work looks at spring, and

  • [句子]英语谚语早上

    英语谚语早上,谚语大全,1、早上立了秋,晚上凉嗖嗖。In the morning, autumn rises, and in the evening, it's cool.2、早起的鸟儿有虫吃。The early bird catches the worm.3、早起三日当一工,免得求人落下风。Get up thre

  • [句子]健康的谚语英文

    健康的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、晨吃三片姜,如喝人参汤。Eat three slices of ginger in the morning, such as ginseng soup.2、白天多动,夜里少梦。Move more during the day and dream less at night.3、吃要有所节制,饮需

  • [句子]英文的常用谚语大全

    英文的常用谚语大全,谚语大全,1、常说嘴里顺,常写手不笨。Often say smooth mouth, often write not stupid.2、吃得快、咽得忙,伤了胃口伤了肠。Eating fast, swallowing busily, hurting appetite and hurting intestine.

  • [句子]最常用英语谚语

    最常用英语谚语,谚语大全,1、竹贵有节,人贵有志。Bamboo is precious, people are precious and ambitious.2、少吃好、慢吃香,定时定量身体强。Eat less, eat more slowly, and be healthy regularly and quantitati

  • [句子]英语常用的谚语

    英语常用的谚语,谚语大全,1、路是走熟的,事是做顺的。The road is familiar and everything goes smoothly.2、数子十过,不如奖子一长。A long prize is better than ten.3、山高流水长,志大精神旺。High mountains and long wa

  • [句子]常见谚语中英

    常见谚语中英,谚语大全,1、补漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。Make up leaks while the weather is clear, and read while young.2、家有黄金,外面有戥子。Gold is in the house, and swabs are outside.3、路遥知马力,日久见人心。Lu

  • [句子]英语常用谚语100句

    英语常用谚语100句,谚语大全,1、不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。No burden, no weight, no long road, no distance.2、树挪死,人挪活。Trees move to death, people move to life.3、从小爱劳动,老来药不用。Love to work from c

  • [句子]英文常见谚语

    英文常见谚语,谚语大全,1、见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。See people talk and ghosts talk.2、早上吸烟,早归西天。Smoking in the morning, returning to the West early.3、大水不到先垒坝,疾病未来早预防。If the flood does not

  • [句子]英语常用谚语100句

    英语常用谚语100句,谚语大全,1、不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。No burden, no weight, no long road, no distance.2、树挪死,人挪活。Trees move to death, people move to life.3、从小爱劳动,老来药不用。Love to work from c

  • [句子]关于早晨的英语谚语

    关于早晨的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、早起三光,晚起三慌。Get up early three lights, get up late three panic.2、一日无二晨,时间不重临。There are no two mornings in a day.3、早上立了秋,晚上凉嗖嗖。In the morning, autumn b

  • [句子]英语早晨的谚语

    英语早晨的谚语,谚语大全,1、早起的鸟儿有虫咬。The early bird bites.2、早蚯闻蝉叫,晚蚯迎雨场。Early earthworms hear cicadas and late earthworms welcome rain.3、不怕穿得迟,就怕脱得早。Not afraid to wear late, af

  • [句子]有关天气的英文谚语

    有关天气的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、黄云上下翻,将要下冰蛋。The yellow clouds turn upside down and will lay ice eggs.2、种地不选种,累死落个空。If you don't choose the land, you will be exhausted.3、喜鹊枝头叫,出
