
Teachers, your encouragement to us, we will always review, we will not put down the success. Thank you, teacher!


You have written with chalk with all your heart and soul, and nurtured thousands of children with all your heart and soul. Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees, a day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father.


Today, when the first ray of summer light sprinkles into your window, it is the students'affectionate wishes to you: Teacher, happy holidays!


On this special day, I wish you all the best and have a good mood every day. My friend, my teacher, wish you a happy holiday!


I would like to condense my wishes and gratitude to you. May every year and every day of your life be filled with happiness and joy!


Dear teacher, although I don't visit you very often, when I think of you, I feel a little warm in my heart. Wish you happy every day!


Teaching and educating people, revitalizing the nation's science and education. Respect the teacher, step by step. Chun Chun teachings, life reflection, thanks to my teacher, peach and plum smile!


On the platform, beside the desk, cold and summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, sprinkle a little bit of heart and soul. Hard work, my teacher. Happy Teachers' Day!


Thousands of words can't tell which month and day of that year; thousands of rivers and mountains are separated by endless threads of teachers and kindness.


Red candles have no kindness for teachers. Silk has no kindness for teachers. Festival information is thousands of articles, bless the hearts of teachers flying.


All the missing, more integrated with endless gratitude and respect, may your festival be filled with brilliant, peaceful!


Beautiful notes, beating hearts, you make our world so beautiful!


Endless kindness, always remember in my heart. Every growing day, I want to bless you, my teacher.


Teachers, people say that you are cultivating the pillars of the motherland, rather than saying that you are the pillars of the motherland, it is you who support the backbone of our generation.


You are much like the unknown roots, which make the small trees grow strong and full of fruits on the branches, without requiring any reward.


Pull sincere heartstrings, bear in mind the bitterness of growth, the road to success can never be separated from you, dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever!


Teaching is like spring breeze, teacher and kindness are like deep sea.


It was you who gave me a wise mind, taught me good moral character, taught me the truth of being a man, and guided me the way to success.


Peach and plum are everywhere, and spring is everywhere.


Dear teacher, after a busy year, your festival is coming again. Students want to say to you: No matter when and where, you will always be my teacher!


Gardener, noble title, I wish you peach and plum all over the world, spring sunshine everywhere.


In the future, whether I will be a tall tree or a low shrub, teacher, I will pay tribute to you for the green life!


It's getting dark. I've got your eyes. It's daybreak. I can't live without your eyes.


Learn tirelessly, teach tirelessly, peach and plum fragrance, its pleasure is also melting. Wishing you a happy holiday!


Throughout my growing up, your strong love for teachers has always accompanied me. Thank you, teacher!


Success comes from your cultivation, and excellence comes from your cultivation. While applauding today, we will always remember your original teachings and mottos!


Today's sun rises for you, today's flowers blossom, today's hymns sing for you, today's eagles fly for you!


Burning oneself, illuminating students; People's teachers, teaching and educating people. Spring weathers the rain, shaping the soul; thriving growth, unforgettable teachers and graces!


Our story is destined to become an eternal memory, you and I are no longer childhood, no longer wayward, life on the road, good teachers and friends.


You are like a candle, giving all the light and heat for the students! Your character and spirit can be summed up in two words: burning!


If there is no teacher in life, it is like everything has no sunshine; if there is no teacher in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings.


Your teachings urge me to go through both rain and wind. My best wishes accompany you to work day and night.


Teacher, although parting for a long time, your image seems to be a brilliant bright spot, has been flashing in my heart.


Miss you, dear teacher! I cherish in my heart the gaze of your bright eyes, they are like two clear springs, running forever in the valley of my heart.


Teachers are like big trees, with blue sky overhead and foot on the earth, silently benefiting the society.


When we harvest fruits, you leave yourself chalk gray-dyed white sideburns. Salute you, dear teacher!


Teaching is like spring breeze, teacher and kindness are like deep sea, peach and plum are all over the world, and spring sunshine is everywhere!


Rivers push us to the vast sea. Dawn brings us a bright morning. Teachers lead us to a magnificent life.


Nature nourishes the growing flowers and plants with sunshine and rain and dew. You water our thirsty hearts with morality and faith.


Very few words, the Tao does not complete the teacher's feelings; full of enthusiasm, unable to express gratitude. Only the heart of the teacher, as always.