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  3. moon专题
  • [名言]关于爱的名言警句英文

    关于爱的名言警句英文,名言警句,1、爱情是一种甜蜜的痛苦。Love is a sweet pain.2、有力无爱造就野蛮,有爱无力造就软弱。Strength without love makes savageness, and strength without love makes weakness.3、钱财买不到真正的爱情。Mo

  • [说说]适合男生的英文爱情说说

    适合男生的英文爱情说说,经典说说,1、感谢那些认识了我,看透了我,如今还陪在我身边的人。Thank those who know me, see through me, and still accompany me.2、将你锁在心底,将记忆彻底记忆。Lock you in the bottom of your heart, and

  • [句子]与合适相关的英语谚语

    与合适相关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、较短量长,惟器是适。It's short and long, but it's suitable.2、爱重反成仇,薄极反成喜。Love reverts to enmity, while thin poles revert to joy.3、水满自流,箍紧必炸。When water

  • [格言]英语恋爱格言

    英语恋爱格言,爱情格言,1、春风十里不如你,每时每刻来爱你。Spring breeze is not as good as you, love you all the time.2、在我最美的年纪,遇到不想错过的你!At my most beautiful age, I meet you who I don't w

  • [句子]思乡的英文谚语

    思乡的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、戍客望边色,思归多苦颜。The garrison looked at the side and thought about the bitter face.2、晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。Qingchuan calendar Hanyang tree, Fangcao Parrot Isla

  • [句子]有关思乡的谚语英文

    有关思乡的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。Still pity the homeland water, thousands of miles to see the boat off.2、露从今夜白,月是故乡明。Dew is white tonight, the moon is home.3、乡书何处达,归雁洛阳边

  • [句子]英语谚语都有哪些

    英语谚语都有哪些,谚语大全,1、春雨贵如油,一滴不让流。Spring rain is as precious as oil, not let a drop flow.2、江山易改,本性难移。Rivers and mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change

  • [句子]关于中秋节的英语谚语

    关于中秋节的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、好中秋,好稳稻。Good Mid-Autumn Festival, good stable rice.2、人逢喜事尤其乐,月到中秋分外明。People are especially happy at happy events, especially in the Mid-Autumn Festi

  • [句子]中秋谚语英语

    中秋谚语英语,谚语大全,1、八月中秋雨,节后雨水多。In August, it rains in the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the festival, it rains a lot.2、今宵年尾,明日年头,年年年尾接年头。At the end of this evening, tomor

  • [句子]中秋英语手抄报谚语

    中秋英语手抄报谚语,谚语大全,1、八月十五,听香食芋。On August 15, listen to sweet potatoes.2、八月十五月正南,瓜果石榴列满盘。In the south of August 15, melon and fruit pomegranates filled the plate.3、过了中秋暗暝

  • [句子]月亮英文谚语

    月亮英文谚语,谚语大全,1、留得五湖明月在,不怕没处下金钩。Leave five lakes bright moon in, not afraid of no place to lay golden hook.2、屋里无灯望月出,身上无衣望天热。There was no lamp in the house to watch

  • [句子]关于月亮的英文谚语

    关于月亮的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、月有圆有缺,人有聚有别。Whether the moon is full or not, people gather differently.2、云掩中秋月,雨打上元灯。Clouds cover the Mid-Autumn Moon and rain lights up.3、十五的月亮十六的圆

  • [句子]好玩的英语谚语

    好玩的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、人前若爱争长短,人后必然说是非。If a man loves to contend for his merits, he will say yes or no later.2、小时不教成浑虫,长大不学成懒龙。If you don't teach a worm in an hour, if

  • [句子]英语谚语大全人生

    英语谚语大全人生,谚语大全,1、世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.2、蜗牛角上校雌雄,石火光中争长短。Colonel Snail's Horn, male and female, competes in the light of

  • [句子]英语谚语离别

    英语谚语离别,谚语大全,1、离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。Hatred is just like spring grass. It goes farther and survives.2、门外若无南北路,人间应免别离愁。If there is no north-south road outside the door, the

  • [句子]关于想家的英文谚语

    关于想家的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、谁家乡水曲,遥隔楚云端。Whose hometown Shuiqu is far away from Chu Yunduan.2、多情自古伤离别,更那堪、冷落清秋节。Affectionate since ancient times hurt the departure, but also tha

  • [句子]怀念家乡的谚语英语

    怀念家乡的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、不到异乡看看,不知故乡的美丽。I don't know the beauty of my hometown.2、人老思故乡,鸟老思巢穴。People think of their homeland and birds think of their nests.3、凝眸处,从今又添、一段新

  • [句子]关于中秋节的英文谚语

    关于中秋节的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、八月十五月正南,瓜果石榴列满盘。In the south of August 15, melon and fruit pomegranates filled the plate.2、八月中秋雨,节后雨水多。In August, it rains in the Mid-Autumn Festiva

  • [句子]关于猴子的谚语英语

    关于猴子的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、猴子吃辣椒,抓耳挠腮。Monkeys eat chili peppers and scratch their ears and cheeks.2、没有不上竿的猴。There are no monkeys that are not up to the mark.3、山中无老虎,猴子称大王。Ther

  • [句子]搞笑英语谚语大全

    搞笑英语谚语大全,谚语大全,1、不怕虎狼当面坐,只怕人前两面刀。They are not afraid of sitting face to face with tigers and wolves, but of knives on both sides.2、逢着瞎子不谈光,逢着癞子不谈疮。Whenever blind peo
